Mission: Perform 24-hour direct support reception operations for the 10th Mountain Division (LI) and Fort Drum, by providing reception and in-processing functions for incoming Soldiers and families. Ensure all Soldiers are in-processed in accordance with AR 600-8-101. Liaison with divisional units, non-divisional tenant units, and directorates on Fort Drum to facilitate the in-processing requirement, thus providing the gaining unit with a Soldier who is prepared for training and/or deployment as needed.


In-Processing Information


Reception Activity

Dear Soldier and family members:


Welcome to Fort Drum, New York, home of the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) and the beautiful North Country! Your tour of duty here will be filled with adventure and challenges. Our staff will ensure your in-processing is as expeditious as possible.

All Soldiers arriving at Fort Drum are assigned to a brigade in accordance with their orders. "Non-divisional" Soldiers or Soldiers whose orders state "Reception Transient" will be given a final assignment immediately upon arrival at Fort Drum.

It is Fort Drum's goal to have the Soldier signed in and sponsored by his or her unit within two hours of arrival. Our expanded in-processing consists of installation orientation, installation activity in-processing, TA-50 issue, and deployment readiness screening. Our staff will assist you, resolving any problems that may arise during your in-processing.

If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For the Welcome Desk or In-Processing, call (315) 774-0165.

Once again, welcome to Fort Drum. 


*Need to reach 10th Mountain Reception Company?* 

For more information about 10th Mountain Reception Company, click HERE.



For information about housing options at Fort Drum, click HERE


General In-Processing Information

The Reception Activity is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays and days of no scheduled activities (DONSAs).

All in-processing Soldiers must sign in at Bldg. 4412, Camp Swift Road. A copy of DA Form 31 (Leave), assignment orders and/or amendments, health and dental records, and Military Personnel Record Jacket (if applicable) must be in your possession. Be prepared to fill out information sheets pertaining to DD Form 93 and SGLI (Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance) updates and medical pre-screening forms, to expedite your in-processing at Fort Drum.

If your arrival is at Syracuse Hancock International Airport or Watertown International Airport, it is your responsibility to coordinate and complete your travel to Fort Drum. Ensure that you save all of your receipts so that you can make an appropriate travel claim when you in-process the installation.



For agency-specific information for in-processing, visit the links below:


  • Fort Drum Child, Youth and School Services:






= Link to an external site. IMCOM is not responsible for the contents of links outside of home.army.mil.


Important information you need to know about living in the North Country:


Don't Drink and Drive

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) will not be tolerated. The legal age to consume alcohol in New York is 21, and in Canada, it is 19. If you are younger than 21, do not drink alcohol in Canada and attempt to return to the United States. You will be apprehended at the border.


Driving in Canada

Soldiers and family members have been stopped by Canadian police and asked to provide proof of automobile insurance. Canadian police may legally require proof of automobile insurance written in French as well as English. If you fail to show proof of insurance, your automobile may be impounded and you may be required to pay as much as $1,000 to have your vehicle released.

You can avoid the risk of having your car impounded by purchasing a Canadian rider through your automobile insurance carrier. A Canadian rider is merely proof of insurance card written in French and on the reverse side written in English. Most insurance carriers provide a Canadian rider for free or at minimal cost.


Weather in the North Country

The weather in northern New York can be extreme in the winter months. The temperature can drop to 30 degrees below zero. Always be prepared to wear a jacket, gloves, insulated boots, and headgear during the winter season. For current road conditions, you can contact the New York State Police at (315) 782-2112.



Welcome Center

(315) 774-0165

Bldg. 4412, Camp Swift Road

Fort Drum, NY 13602

Hours of Operation:

24 hours a day / seven days a week

including holidays and DONSAs

(days of no scheduled activities)