The mission of the Personnel Services Branch is to take care of our nation’s warfighters by providing oversight and coordination of the installation’s welcome desk, in-processing activity, and Soldier Readiness Program activities.
Serve as Military Personnel File custodian for all non-Personnel Service Delivery Redesign (PSDR) units. Provide update assistance for service members' Soldier's Talent Profiles (STPs).
Promotions for all non-PSDR units:
Assist units in preparing their Soldiers and officers for centralized promotion board consideration.
Personnel actions for all non-PSDR units:
Process requests for compassionate reassignment, statement of service, applications for Green to Gold, Soldier's citizenship applications, name changes, Army Married Couple's Program, etc.
Monitor and manage the Personnel Service Center (PSC) Code FS10 data base for all units and Soldiers assigned to the PSC Code FS10.
* Fort Drum In-Processing / Reception *
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is IPPS-A?
IPPS-A (Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army) is a system for managing talent, reducing IT and military pay costs, and improving Soldiers' lives through transparency and mobile capabilities. IPPS-A is innovative and represents a revolutionary leap forward in Army HR and IT. IPPS-A will deliver visibility over the entire force and maximize the potential of the Army's greatest asset, the Soldier, to enhance Army readiness. It will improve access and timeliness, and it will provide auditability of personnel and pay information for the Total Army -- integrating more than 30 current systems; eliminating more than 300 interfaces; ensuring secure, consistent processes and data; and meeting required standards.
• Personnel Services
• Personnel Accounting
• Reassignments
• Promotions
• PERSTEMPO (Personnel Tempo)
• Readiness
• Workflow
What are some hot topics for Unit S1s?
1. Unit S1 should monitor the following to work IPPS-A and Headquarters, Department of the Army error feedback:
a) Readiness Report Unit S1 ensures each unit’s accountable strength reports are authenticated.
b) Army Good Conduct Report
c) Promotion Reports
d) Restriction Report
Unit S1 should, before submitting a departure transaction, ensure effective date of departure; include all known temporary duty (TDY) and leave dates.
Personnel Records FAQs
How do I contact the Records Section?
You can call (315) 772-6045.
Where is the Records Section located?
The Records Section is located in Clark Hall, Bldg. 10720, Mount Belvedere Boulevard, Room A1-16.
What are the hours of operation?
In-processing runs every duty day from 9 a.m. until complete for the day. The Records Section is open for customers from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday.
Where can I find publications and handbooks regarding Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI), Family SGLI, Traumatic SGLI, etc.?
Visit the VA SGLI webpage: https://www.benefits.va.gov/insurance/sgli.asp
Promotions FAQs
How do I contact the Promotions Section?
For general questions, you can call (315) 772-6045.
Where is the Promotions Section located?
The Promotions Section is located in Clark Hall, Bldg. 10720, Mount Belvedere Boulevard, Room A1-16.
What are the hours of operation?
In-processing runs every duty day from 9 a.m. until complete for the day. The Records Section is open for customers from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday.
When must I turn in my promotion re-evaluation for it to be counted for the current month?
You must turn in your promotion re-evaluation to the Promotions Section before the 20th of the month to get credit for the current month. Please keep in mind that it must go through your unit, which may require a few days to process. Check your unit’s standard operating procedure (SOP) to find out when they must receive your documents in order to have it completed and submitted before the 20th.
What regulation covers promotions?
AR 600-8-19 covers promotions.
Can I still get conditionally promoted?
Yes, you can be conditionally promoted due to deployment. For detailed guidance, see AR 600-8-19, Chapter 1, Section 1-29.
Why didn't I get all of my points for civilian education?
In accordance with AR 600-8-19, Section 7-55, promotion points will only be awarded for the most current college transcript. College transcripts must have the service member’s name, the institution’s name and full address, and must be listed in the American Council of Education (ACE) published Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education guide. Promotion points for civilian education are awarded per semester hour.
How long are ACFT and weapons cards good?
The ACFT card is valid for one year. The weapons card is valid for two years.
What happens if my promotion packet cannot be reconstructed or promotion packet is lost?
If the promotion packet cannot be reconstructed within 90 days of arrival, the Soldier will be removed from the standing list. The Soldier must start the process over again, and he or she must re-appear before a board.
When will my promotion points become effective?
Your promotion points will become effective the second month following the point adjustment. (For example, if you turn in points in the month of January, your points will be effective for the March 1 cutoff.)
Where do I turn in my promotion packet when I arrive at Fort Drum?
A new Soldier will turn in his or her promotion packet to his or her S-1.
What do I do if I forgot my promotion packet at my last unit?
The Promotion Work Center will advise the Soldier to contact the losing unit to forward his or her promotion packet to the local PSB Promotion Work Center. If the promotion packet is not located, but board proceedings or the original DA Form 3355 is present and signed by the promotion authority, it can be reconstructed.
Can I add points to my promotion packet when I first get to Fort Drum?
No, you must wait until you arrive at your new unit. A Soldier must request a re-evaluation if adding 20 or more points. If a Soldier has an outdated Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) (more than one year old) or weapons card (more than two years old), a Soldier can update these points within five days of arrival. This is the only exception to adding points upon arrival.
What happens if I met the cut-off score while in transit?
The Promotion Work Center will verify the Soldier’s ACFT is updated and current. In addition, ensure the Soldier is on the promotion by-name list. If all information can be verified, orders will be cut for the Soldier.
Soldier Actions FAQs
How do I contact the Soldier Actions Section?
You can call (315) 772-6045.
Where is the Soldier Actions Section located?
Soldier Actions is located in Clark Hall, Bldg. 10720, Mount Belvedere Boulevard, Room A1-16.
What are the hours of operation?
In-processing runs every duty day from 9 a.m. until complete for the day. The Records Section is open for customers from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.
What actions does Soldier Actions handle?
Among the actions that Soldier Actions handles are requests for compassionate reassignment, legal name change, Married Army Couples Program / Joint Domicile membership, statement of service for computation of length of service, and regimental affiliation.In addition, Soldier Actions assists in processing citizenship applications through the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) for service members to obtain United States citizenship.
What paperwork do I need for Soldier Actions?
The majority of Soldier Actions require a Personnel Action Request (PAR), processed through the service member’s unit, signed by the Soldier and the unit commander. In addition, most actions require additional supporting documentation. Some of the most common actions, and the paperwork required are listed:
• Compassionate reassignment requests need a DA Form 3739 signed by the company commander, a letter / memo from the Soldier, as well as from the company commander, and anyone in the chain of command who wishes to endorse the request. In addition, supporting medical / legal documentation as appropriate must be included. If medical reasons precipitate the request, letter from doctor must include diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. If Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is involved, a letter from EFMP manager also should be included. If reassignment request is approved, Soldier will be stabilized for 12 months, so the amount of time needed to resolve the issue should not exceed that timeframe.
• Legal name change requests need a PAR, and proof of the legal name change, such as marriage certificate, divorce decree, birth certificate, or court order, showing the new name. When necessary, a driver’s license, Social Security card, or receipt for request for Social Security card with new name may be used as proof of change.
• Married Army Couples Program / Joint Domicile enrollment or disenrollment requests need a PAR, as well as proof of marriage, or divorce, or, in the case of a married couple enrolled in the program requesting disenrollment, the reason for disenrollment request must be provided, and both Soldiers must sign the DA Form 4187. When a newly married Army couple requests enrollment in the MACP/JD, the Soldiers should update their DEERS information, and their SGLI/DD93s before submitting request for MACP/JD.
• Statement of service for computation of length of service does not require a PAR. However, Soldier should ensure that all enlistment contracts (DD Forms 4/1, 4/2, and 4/3 if used), DD Forms 214, and all other supporting documents for all military service performed are provided. Officers / warrant officers should bring a copy of their oath of office, DA Form 71, and any ROTC or service academy contracts, to include Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) contract if Soldier participated in these programs. (Although orders are not acceptable proof of time spent on active duty, Leave and Earning Statements may be used.)
• Regimental affiliation requests require a PAR through the chain of command, indicating the selected unit with its location. The unit selected must be associated with the Soldier’s PMOS (primary military occupational specialty).
• Requests for United States citizenship for alien Soldiers require a number of forms. Soldier Actions has a handout packet containing required forms for interested alien Soldiers.
• Soldier Actions also plays a part in the occasional requests for emergency leave, OCONUS (outside continental U.S.) leave, NCOES Equivalency Credit, corporal recruiting, recruiting duty, Green to Gold, conscientious objector, and Homebase / Advanced Assignment Program.Personnel Services Branch
In-processing runs every duty day from 9 a.m. until complete for the day.
The Records Section is open for customers from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday.