Zero interest loans and grantsaER.jpg

Under AR 930-4, Army Emergency Relief provides EMERGENCY financial assistance in the form of a non-interest bearing loan, grant, or a combination of the two.

We are located on Fort Jackson in the ACS Building, 9810 Lee Road.  Please call (803)751-5256 for specific guidance on how to apply for AER assistance.


  • Soldiers on active duty and their dependents.
  • Members of the Reserve Components of the Army (Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve) on Title 10 orders for more than 30 days and their eligible dependents
  • Soldiers retired for longevity, medical, or upon reaching age 60 (Reserve component) and their eligible dependents
  • Surviving spouses who have not remarried and children of Soldiers who died on active duty or died after reaching retirement eligibility.

Categories of Assistance 

  • Emergency Travel
  • Mortgage, Rent, Initial Deposit
  • Food
  • Healthcare (not covered by TRICARE)
  • Vehicle Costs (Payment, Repairs and Insurance)
  • Utilities
  • Funeral Expenses
  • Basic Essential Furniture
  • Minor Home Repairs
  • Cranial Helmets

Required documents may consist of:

  • Military ID Card
  • Leave and Earnings Statement
  • Leave/PCS Orders
  • Substantiating Documents (e.g. car repair estimate, rental agreement, utility bill)
  • Refer to the areas of assistance below for the required forms

Spouse/Dependent Assistance

Spouses and/or dependents may receive financial assistance; however, they must be geographically separated and possess a Special Power of Attorney, Miltiary ID card and provide substantiating documents (i.e., car repair estimate, rental agreement, utility bill, etc.)

Is there a dollar limit on AER assistance?

  • No. AER assistance will meet your emergency need.

Where does AER receive its funding?

  • Voluntary contributions from active and retired soldiers.
  • Repayment of AER interest-free loans.
  • Income from investments.
  • Unsolicited contributions.

What kind of assistance is given?

  • Assistance may be provided in the form of a non-interest bearing loan, a grant (an outright gift of funds) if repayment of loan will cause undue hardship or a combination of the two. Should a loan be given, it will be prorated from the Soldier’s military pay. 

Other Programs: 

Company Commander First Sergeant Quick Assist - Company Commanders or First Sergeants can approve financial assistance up to $2,000. Assistance under this program will require the signature of the Commander or First Sergeant.

Survivor Assistance - Surviving spouses and children of active and retired Soldiers are eligible for financial assistance. Assistance is provided as a grant for an individual request. Monthly stipends may be provided for the most destitute.

Educational Scholarships - Spouses and children of active and retired Soldiers are eligible for educational scholarship programs. AER provides over $8 million in educational scholarships every year.