U.S. Army launches 2023 housing satisfaction survey
WASHINGTON (Oct. 25, 2022) – The Army began its fiscal 2023 housing tenant satisfaction survey today to gather feedback about living in Army housing. Survey results will guide plans for improvements to housing, resident services, and community amenities.
“Army leaders want your opinion about your Army housing, so please take a few minutes to complete the Army Housing Tenant Satisfaction Survey. Your response will have a real impact. We thank you for taking the time to give us this critical feedback,” said Lt. Gen. Kevin Vereen, deputy chief of staff, G-9.
An online survey link was emailed Oct. 25 from CEL & Associates, Inc. – an independent, third-party company – to more than 110,000 tenants living in privatized, government-owned and government-leased housing on Army installations around the globe. Completing the confidential survey takes about 10 minutes, and tenants have until Dec. 16 to do so.
Army privatized, government-owned and government-leased housing tenants can rate their satisfaction with services, property and the overall housing experience through the online survey. The Army will use the survey results as one of several tools to continue identifying ways to improve housing conditions by enhancing communication with residents, creating and prioritizing action plans to correct deficiencies, and identifying items that are most important to residents.
The Army is investing billions of dollars to improve barracks and on-post housing at installations around the globe to provide Soldiers and their families with high-quality, safe and secure housing and a better quality of life. The Army has fully implemented the Tenant Bill of Rights to further protect Soldiers and families and has established new incentive-fee metrics to hold privatized housing companies accountable for maintenance and customer service. In addition, the Army will include revised language in any new ground lease to require privatized project companies to ensure they are meeting their obligations, including compliance with quality-assurance plans.
Housing tenants who do not receive the survey notice email from ArmyHousingSurvey@celassociates.com should contact their local garrison housing offices. The Tenant Satisfaction Survey is Office of Management and Budget approved: OMB Control Number 0704-0553; OMB Expiration Date 05/31/2025.
(U.S. Army Public Affairs)