Officials say Summer Youth Employment Program to accept applications for 2021 beginning March 1


WATERTOWN, N.Y. (Feb. 19, 2021) – The Jefferson County Department of Employment and Training / The WorkPlace will accept applications beginning March 1 for the 2021 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). This program provides job placement, resume creation, hands-on work experience and financial literacy.

“The Summer Youth Employment Program is a great way for middle school, high school and college students to gain valuable work experience by working in our local schools, nonprofit agencies and private businesses,” said Cheryl Mayforth, director of The WorkPlace.

Applicants must qualify in order to be accepted into the SYEP. Those who qualify for the program will be notified by The WorkPlace staff in May and June. Applicants must be between the ages of 14 and 24. In addition, any applicants younger than 18 must obtain their working papers before their first day of employment. More information on how to obtain working papers can be found on The WorkPlace website.

Those who are interested can print out a copy of the application off of The WorkPlace website (, or stop by The WorkPlace office to obtain an application in person. Applications also may be emailed or faxed to individuals upon request. Due to COIVD-19 protocols, face coverings are mandatory to enter the facility.

The deadline to apply for the SYEP is May 28. Completed applications can be returned by mail, in person, by emailing or by faxing (315) 782-2073.

For more information, call (315) 786-3671.


(The WorkPlace)