The Environmental Division provides services in support of Team White Sands to ensure compliance with environmental laws and policies, the integration of environmental sustainability principles of all mission activities, and the conservation and enhancement of natural resources to maintain installation readiness and environmental stewardship to secure the
environment for future generations. The support is accomplished through the Customer Support, Environmental Compliance and Conservation branches. For more information, call 575-678-2225.

Environmental Documents and Information
Environmental AssessmentFinal Environmental Assessment-FNSI Salinas Peak Distribution Line Replacement

An environmental evaluation of a proposal to replace the electrical distribution line to Salinas Peak

Quality Water Report - Up RangeQuality Report Up Range 2021Water report findings,6/28/22
Quality Water Report - Main PostQuality Report Main Post 2021Water report findings.6/28/22
Environmental AssessmentFinding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for Joint Directed Energy Test Center

The Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for Joint Directed Energy Test Center provides information on construction and operation of a proposed capability at White Sands Missile Range.

Environmental AssessmentWSMR Boundary Fence Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) The Final WSMR Boundary Fence Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) provides information about clearly delineating the boundary of WSMR with range fences, gates and signs.9/15/21
Consumer Confidence Report2020 WSMR Main Post CCR2020 Drinking Water Quality Report, Main Post, WSMR6/8/21
Environmental AssessmentFinal Environmental Assessment for Water Reclamation and Biosolids Composting on White Sands Missile RangeSustainable best management practices for water conservation. Reusing and reducing demand on potable water supplies using several legally supported methods. Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment.


Management PlanIntegrated Wildland Fire Management PlanAddresses firefighter and public safety, wildland fire management, program capabilities, and environmental compliance for the burnable acres found on WSMR.7/1/18
BrochureWhite Sands Missile Range Environmental Management Systems BrochureKey elements for minimizing environmental impacts through continual improvement.6/1/18
Environmental AssessmentEnvironmental Assessment for Advanced Gunfire White Sands Missile RangeDevelop and mature the science and technologies supporting hypervelocity projectiles and naval electromagnetic railgun weapon systems. Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment.4/2/18
PolicyGarrison Commander's Environmental PolicyWhite Sands Missile Range approach to protecting the environment.10/28/14
Record of DecisionRecord of Decision for the Environmental Impact Statement for Development and Implementation Range Wide Mission and Major Capabilities at White Sands Missile RangeThe Army will proceed with its Preferred Alternative (Alternative 1) identified in the Final EIS for the Development and Implementation of Range-Wide Mission and Major Capabilities at White Sands Missile Range.


Environmental Impact StatementFinal Environmental Impact Statement for Development and Implementation Range Wide Mission and Major Capabilities at White Sands Missile Range Volume 2 AppendicesFinal Land Use and Airspace Strategy Plan; WSMR Organizations; Major Test Programs; Specialized Areas; Activity Site Selection Criteria.


Environmental Impact StatementFinal Environmental Impact Statement for Development and Implementation Range Wide Mission and Major Capabilities at White Sands Missile Range Volume 1Augment capabilities to support testing and expanded training missions. Environmental Impact Statement.11/1/09
Environmental AssessmentEnvironmental Assessment
for Expansion of Recreational Camping Facilities at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

To expand RV camp sites and add tent camp sites at the WSMR Main Post for the Army community, which includes soldiers, their families, civilian employees, contractors, and military retirees.

Management Plan Final WSMR Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan Natural resource management plan for White Sands Missile Range between 2023 and 202711/2/2023
Management PlanAppendix A - White Sands Missile Range Avian Protection PlanAvian Protection Plan (APP) was developed to minimize electrocution risks and collision hazards for birds across the electrical facilities of White Sands Missile Range5/23/2014
Management PlanAppendix B1 - Final Todsen Pennyroyal Endangered Species Management ComponentManagement plan for Todsen's pennyroyal, a federally endangered mint endemic to White Sands Missile Range9/1/2018
Management PlanAppendix B2 - White Sands Missile Range  Endangered Species Management Plan Northern Aplomado FalconManagement plan for a nonessential experimental (federally endangered) population of the Northern Aplomado Falcon on White Sands Missile Range2/1/2007
Management PlanAppendix C - Oryx Management PlanManagement plan for oryx, an exotic big game speciesNone available
Management PlanAppendix D1 - White Sands Pupfish Conservation PlanConservation plan for the White Sands pupfish, an endemic Department of Army Species at Risk and New Mexico threatened species8/5/2015
AgreementAppendix D2 - White Sands Pupfish Cooperative AgreementManagement plan that describes pest management activities for White Sands Missile Range and Fort Wingate New Mexico2/25/2021
Management PlanAppendix E - White Sands Missile Range Integrated Pest Management PlanManagement plan that describes pest management activities for White Sands Missile Range and Fort Wingate New Mexico2/25/2021
PermitAppendix F1 - Eagle Disturbance Permit_MB22173C-0US Fish and Wildlife issued permit for short-term incidental take of golden eagles at a specific location on White Sands Missile Range6/14/2018
PermitAppendix F2 - Eagle Nest Permit _MB11141C_20161219US Fish and Wildlife issued permit for take of an inactive golden eagle's nest at a specific location on White Sands Missile Range12/20/2016
StandardsAppendix F3 - Species at Risk - Golden Eagles (Avoidance and Impact Minimization Standards)Golden Eagle Standard Avoidance and Minimization Measures5/3/2022
BrochureAppendix F4 - Why Non-lead BrochureHunter educationNone available
PolicyAppendix H - WSMR Hunting PolicyGuidance that identities the policies and procedures for hunting on White Sands Missile Range2/12/2019
Environmental AssessmentAppendix I - Oscura Mountains Ecosystem Management Plan Environmental AssessmentEnvironmental Assessment that evaluated potential outcomes of a range of ecosystem management projects within the Oscura Mountains Planning Area1/29/2019
StandardsAppendix J - Species at Risk - Gray Vireo and Pinyon Jay (Avoidance and Impact Minimization Standards)Grey Vireo Standard Avoidance and Minimization Measures5/3/2022
Management PlanAppendix K - Trees Management Life Cycle PlanManagement plan for trees within the Main Cantonment at White Sands Missile Range12/1/2021
RegulationAppendix L- White Sands Missile Ramage Regulation 200-2, Environmental ProtectionWhite Sands Missile Range regulation4/6/2023
FlowchartAppendix M1 - Migratory Bird Treaty Act Incidental Take FlowchartDecision process for incidental take of migratory birds5/3/2022
AgreementAppendix M2 - Migratory Bird Treaty Act MOU DOD FWS 2014 and 2022 Extension LetterMemorandum of Understanding between Depart of Defense and Fish and Wildlife Service to promote construction of migratory birds5/18/2022
Project ListAppendix N - White Sands Missile Range Natural Resource Management Projects ListNatural resource management projects for next 5 years11/1/2022
Species ListAppendix O - White Sands Missile Range Bird ListList of identified birds11/1/2022

Species List

Appendix P - White Sands Missile Range Mammal ChecklistList of identified mammals11/1/2022
Environmental AssessmentWSMR Environmental Assessment-FNSI to Implement Integrated Natural Resource Management PlanEnvironmental Assessment for adopting the updated Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan and Finding of No Significant Impact Statement11/2/2023
Environmental AssessmentADF-SW WSMR Environmental Assessment for a New Receiving Facilities at Aerospace Data Facility SouthwestFinding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for new Receiving Facilities at the Aerospace Data Facility Southwest


Environmental AssessmentWSTC Environmental Assessment Dense Plasma Focus

Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact considering the construction and operation of a Dense Plasma Simulator on White Sands Missile Range

Environmental Assessment

USAG Final Environmental Assessment Addressing Operations and Training Support Facilities and Activities

Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for providing training facilities and dedicated areas for transient and tenant units performing training activities05/20/2024
Environmental AssessmentWSTC-Draft Environmental Assessment FNSI Expand Yucca Lee Impact AreasDraft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact considering the proposal to expand two impact areas, Lee and Yucca05/10/2024
Environmental Assessment

USAG-Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment FNSI FONPA Addressing Energy Readiness Support

Draft Finding of No Significant Impact, Finding of No Practical Alternative, and Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Addressing Energy Readiness Support, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

Environmental AssessmentWSMR draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment Recreational Camping + Finding of No Sign Impact

A draft finding of no significant impact and supplemental environmental assessment to expand recreational camping
