





Mission Statement:
The core mission of the WSMR Equal Employment Opportunity Office works diligently to comply with federal statutes and regulations that prohibit employment discrimination in the workplace. Includes: interpreting and applying laws and regulations, developing policies, collecting data and managing accommodation Issues. Advises all levels of management and employees regarding EEO related issues. Providing program overview, presenting briefings, facilitating sensing sessions.
A workplace environment across the WSMR that reflects full achievement of the Six Essential Elements of a Model EEO Program as described in MD-715.

The program provides direction and feedback on the development and implementation of the district and region Affirmative Employment Plans and administers the Corps of Engineers Alternative Dispute Resolution Program for both informal and formal EEO complaints.

Other services provided:
Facilitating sensing sessions and researching special problems
Team Building
Communication Facilitation
EEO Training

The Equal Employment Opportunity counseling program is designed to provide the initial step when considering a complaint of discrimination. A person who believes they have been discriminated against because of racecolorreligionsexage, physical or mental handicapgenetic information (GINA)national origin or reprisal, as pertaining to EEO, must consult the EEO Office when trying to resolve the matter. The EEO Office must be contacted within 45 calendar days from the date of discovering the alleged discriminatory incident.

Program and management support services

Management of special emphasis program

The Special Emphasis Program promotes equal opportunity in hiring, advancement, training and treatment of each targeted group. This program advocates necessary change to overcome barriers that restrict equal employment opportunity for women, minorities and individuals with disabilities. The Special Emphasis Program encompasses the following programs:

  • Native American / Alaskan Native employment program
  • Asian / Pacific Islander employment program
  • Black employment program
  • Federal women's program
  • Hispanic employment program
  • Individuals with disabilities program

These programs were established to address those special employment issues and concerns affecting all employees and to serve in conjunction with all levels of management in designing a program that will further the installation's affirmative goals at White Sands Missile Range and its tenant activities.

Special emphasis program objectives

  • Act as a channel for communication between the workforce and management, seeking to create a climate of understanding and cooperation.
  • Analyze statistical data concerning the composition of the workforce by organization and type and grade of positions in order to identify those areas in which minorities, women and individuals with disabilities are significantly underrepresented.
  • Study issues involved in complaints of discrimination in order to identify patterns of practices, attitudes and other problem areas that result in the denial of equal opportunity for minorities, women and the disabled in employment, promotion, training, awards retention and recognition.
  • Provide leadership to assure equal employment opportunity for persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or religion.
  • Assist in the development and the execution of affirmative employment goals and establish feasible timetables for accomplishment of those goals. 
  • Assist in planning and coordination of special observance activities with the Equal Opportunity Advisor.
  • Provide an avenue for effective communication between minorities, women, people with disabilities and the installation and the local community.

Preparation and implementation of Management Directive

This Directive provides policy guidance and standards for establishing and maintaining effective affirmative programs of equal employment opportunity under Section 717 of Title VII and effective affirmative action programs under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Directive also sets forth general reporting requirements. The overriding objective of this Directive is to ensure that all employees and applicants for employment enjoy equality of opportunity in the federal workplace regardless of race, sex, national origin, color, religion, disability or reprisal for engaging in prior protected activity.

 There are six essential elements of compliance in the implementation of a Model EEO Program:

 a. Demonstrated commitment from agency leadership

 b. Integration of EEO into the agency’s strategic mission

 c. Management and program accountability

 d. Proactive prevention of unlawful discrimination

 e. Efficiency

 f. Responsiveness and legal compliance

The MD-715 Report is an annual reporting requirement. Managers and supervisors are active participants in the establishment of a model EEO program. All directorates within USAG Vicenza are responsible for completing the Management Directive (MD) 715 Supervisory Checklist and identify proactive steps taken to eliminate organizational EEO barriers. Managers and supervisors should seek the advice of the EEO office in completing this requirement.

Commanders and senior officials are provided with a "State of the Agency" briefing covering all components of the report, including an assessment of the performance of the agency in each of the six essential elements of the Model EEO Program. A report on the progress of the agency in completing its barrier analysis is provided to the Department of the Army.

Provide training and education

Training and education refers to the systemic approach taken by the agency to facilitate the learning of EEO job related competencies. This service provides employees with the necessary knowledge of EEO policies, practices and other available systems used to identify, prevent and eliminate barriers and discriminatory employment practices. The goal of training and education is to enable employees to transfer EEO knowledge, skills and behaviors into their day-to-day activities and work settings.

The following types of training are available through the White Sands Missile Range's EEO Office:

  • Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Initial)
  • Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Refresher: Supervisory and Non-Supervisory)*
  • Basic EEO for Managers and Supervisors
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)*
  • The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and reasonable accommodation procedures*
  • Notification of Federal Employees Anti-Discriminatory/Retaliatory Act (No FEAR Act)*
  • Remedial or sanctioned EEO training
  • Other training opportunities

  *Biennial training requirements

From time to time, different training topics will be of the White Sands Missile Range or Army-wide importance and require special emphasis. These training topics will be announced and coordinated by the installation EEO office annually.

Management of the EEO complaint program

The White Sands Missile Range EEO Office processes complaints of discrimination in accordance with AR 690-600 and other applicable directives and provides applicable reports. Alternate Dispute Resolution is made available to all employees.

Advisory services

EEO Program officials advise and provide appropriate assistance to managers/supervisors about the status of EEO within their areas of responsibility. The following types of advisory services are available through the White Sands Missile Range EEO Office:

  • Organizational climate assessments and workforce demographics
  • Sensing sessions or focus groups
  • Research special problems

Provide compliance and program services

EEO Program officials provide assistance in the development of command policy to ensure a workplace free of discriminatory harassment and emphasize commitment to equal employment opportunity. The following types of compliance and program services are available through the White Sands Missile Range EEO Office:

  • Command policy statements
  • Interpretation of applicable EEO laws and regulations
  • Surveys
  • Staff assistance visits and command inspections
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution

Discrimination complaint process

Who may file a complaint?

A U.S. civilian employee, former employee or applicant for employment who believes he or she has been discriminated against in an employment matter may file complaints of discrimination on one or more bases. Click on each word for an explanation of the policies covering types of discrimination:

Where to file a complaint

U.S. Army Garrison
White Sands Missile Range
Chief, EEO Manager
Bldg. 124, Crozier Street, RM 240
White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002
Director of Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance & Complaints Review Agency (EOCCR)
1st Floor, Room 109B
1901 South Bell St.
Arlington, VA 22202-4508

How to file a complaint

Individual and class action complaints must first be presented to an EEO officer within 45 calendar days from the date of the matter alleged to be discriminatory, or in the case of a personnel action, within 45 calendar days of its effective date. Individuals may choose between participation in an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process or traditional counseling. If ADR (mediation) is elected, arrangements will be made to mediate the dispute. If traditional counseling is elected, an EEO counselor will be assigned and will attempt to resolve the complaint during the pre-complaint process.
Click here to view the EEO complaint process chart.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is unfair treatment or denial of privileges because of an individual’s membership in a protected group.

What services does the EEO office offer employees and managers?

The EEO office is here to serve Army civilian employees assigned to White Sands Missile Range, and other employees with whom the agency maintains servicing agreements.

Who may file an EEO complaint?

Aggrieved individuals, covered under the White Sands Missile Range EEO servicing agreement, who feel they have been discriminated against based on raceage (40 or older)colornational origindisability (mental or physical)religionsexgenetic information (GINA) and retaliation/reprisal based on past participation in protected EEO activities.

What is retaliation?

Retaliation, also referred to as reprisal, is the taking of any adverse action against an individual because of his or her prior participation in the EEO process or opposition to discriminatory practices.

What are the grounds for filing an EEO complaint?

Illegal discrimination as outlined in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national original. Additionally discrimination based on one’s age and religions are grounds for filing complaints of discrimination.

What is the difference between an EEO case and an employee grievance?

An EEO case is a situation where one perceives an injustice has occurred or a concerned should be addressed primarily because his/her: race, age-40 or older, color, national origin, disability-mental or physical, religion, sex and retaliation/reprisal based on past participation in protected EEO activities appear to be factors in the situation.

An employee grievance is an instance where one perceives an injustice has occurred or a concerned should be addressed, but illegal discrimination (race, age-40 or older, color, national origin, disability-mental or physical, religion, sex and retaliation/reprisal based on past participation in protected EEO activities) does not appear to be a factor in the situation.

How long after a discriminatory incident occurs do I have to make a complaint?

An aggrieved individual should make contact with the EEO office not later than 45 calendar days from the alleged discriminatory event or at a point when the aggrieved became reasonably aware that she/he has experienced illegal discrimination.

How long does it take to get a resolution after filing an EEO complaint?

The EEO office cannot provide a specific resolution date, time, and/or scenario. When multiple factors and parties are involved, full coordination of events must take place to resolve your issues. There are timeframes, however, surrounding the traditional EEO counseling and EEO counseling which includes ADR.

Under the traditional forms of EEO counseling, where no ADR is elected, the counselor has 30 calendar days to seek resolution to the matters raised during counseling.

Under EEO counseling where ADR is elected, the EEO counselor has 90 calendar days to seek resolution to the matters raised during counseling. If after the 30 or 90 days timeframe has passed-depending in which form of counseling is elected- and there is no resolution to the matters raised, the complainant will have 15 days to file a formal EEO complaint.

Does my supervisor need to know that I am filing an EEO complaint?

No; however, aggrieved individuals are encouraged to work cooperatively with their managers and supervisors on issues of concern prior to seeking EEO assistance.

Will my visit be discussed with my supervisor?

Confidentiality is of utmost importance to meeting your needs. The EEO office may offer you anonymity in the pre-complaint/informal stage of your complaint. However, if you elect to file a formal case, your right to anonymity will be waived.

What is Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

Alternative Dispute Resolution is a collection of efficient means of resolving disputes; mediation is a very popular and highly elected form of ADR.

What is sexual harassment?

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

1. Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment;

2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis of employment decisions affecting an individual; or

3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.​​​

What should I do if I am a manager and an employee has allegations of sexual harassment?

As a manager, you should review the allegations promptly and take immediate appropriate action. Appropriate actions might include: publicizing the organization’s zero tolerance policy; providing training; taking disciplinary action against the harasser; monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis and taking corrective action to create for the victim an employment situation absent alleged harassment.

What is a "reasonable accommodation" for an employee that has a disability?

Reasonable accommodations are adjustments or modifications to job application procedures, a job, employment practices, or a work environment that enable a qualified individual with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunities. They are intended to enable qualified disabled individuals to perform the essential functions of a position, and designed to remove physical and procedural workplace or employment barriers.