The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is a combat support agency that responds directly to Combatant Command needs and operational requests. DTRA enables the Department of Defense, the U.S. Government and international partners to counter and deter weapons of mass destruction (WMD – chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives) and improvised threat networks.
DTRA has key roles in each of the principle tenets of the National Defense Strategy: 1) Strong Nuclear Deterrent, 2) Decisive Conventional Force, and 3) New Approaches to Compete in the “Grey Zone.” The DTRA Research and Development Directorate (RD) provides science, technology and capability development investments that maintain the U.S. military’s technological superiority in countering WMD and asymmetric threats, mitigating the risks of technical surprise and responding to the warfighter’s urgent technical requirements.
The RD Enabling Capabilities Department (RD-EC) creates, provides and maintains relevant enabling capabilities to support the RD portfolio of work. These capabilities include credible test beds, responsive test design, robust processes exercised over decades, test beds/structures to support full-spectrum counter-WMD testing and technology evaluation, nationally recognized subject matter experts, essential data capture and data analysis of results. RD-EC is located at DTRA Headquarters on Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and maintains a variety of test beds and structures on the White Sands Missile Range. To learn more about DTRA, visit