Cornell Cooperative Extension staff plans
back-to-school clothing swap for families

Clothing Swap - Aug. 3.jpgJEFFERSON COUNTY, N.Y. (July 19, 2022) – Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Parenting Department will host a clothing swap to make back-to-school a little less stressful for families.

Back to school may mean kids are out of the house, but for parents, that comes at a cost … literally. Children grow fast, and they often need new clothing every season. Ensuring children have all of the necessary supplies and clothes they need while also attempting to provide them the things they want is stressful for every family, but especially for those with limited means. That’s why this year, the CCE staff is encouraging families to trade rather than toss their too-small clothes.

On Wednesday, Aug. 3, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., families are encouraged to bring their clean used clothing that is still in good condition to the CCE office. CCE will provide the space, tables, and signage for families to organize their clothing by size, and then they can “shop” for items brought in by others. By working together, families might be able to find what they need for free before heading out to the stores.

During the clothing swap, a CCE parenting educator also will provide resources on how to get your family back into a consistent routine, something that often gets neglected during the summer months.

This event is part of a new shift in programming at CCE. To better accommodate the modern family’s busy schedule, and to hopefully attract new participants, CCE is moving away from the traditional parenting workshop model and toward monthly events that meet a community need, provide some fun and socialization, while including evidence-based education and resources. If successful, the staff plans to hold monthly events throughout the year.

To learn more about this and other upcoming events, visit

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