Information & Referral serves as a centralized point of contact for information and referral to a comprehensive network of internal and external agencies, services, and programs to assist Soldiers, families, civilians, and retirees in meeting their basic needs and improving their quality of life. Individual and family assessments are conducted to ensure appropriate assistance and referrals are provided.
I&R maintains an extensive resource file of local public, private, and volunteer agencies and organizations to assist individuals and families with the support needed.
In addition, I&R serves as the central distribution point for all information, flyers, brochures, and upcoming events and activities. We invite you to visit and use the many services and opportunities that we have to offer.
Information & Referral
(315) 772-6799 or 1-800-826-0886
Bldg. 11042, Mount Belvedere Boulevard
Fort Drum, N.Y. 13602
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday