The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Screaming Eagles, are one of the most deployed and recognized divisions in the U.S. Army, with a combat record spanning from the paratroopers of World War II to the Security Force Assistance Teams deployed to Afghanistan today.
101st Airborne Division Artillery - Guns of Glory - DIVARTY
101st Combat Aviation Brigade - Wings of Destiny
101st Division Sustainment Brigade - Lifeliners
101st Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
1st Brigade Combat Team - Bastogne
2nd Brigade Combat Team - Strike
3rd Brigade Combat Team - Rakkasan
The 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) has a long and storied history serving the Nation during peacetime and war. Special Forces units perform seven doctrinal missions: Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance, Direct Action, Combating Terrorism, Counter-proliferation, and Information Operations. These missions make Special Forces unique in the U.S. military, because they are employed throughout the three stages of the operational continuum: peacetime, conflict and war. Special Forces Soldiers are renowned for their ability to deploy in small teams, operate independently, and conduct their mission in austere environments. Whatever situation may arise, be assured the men of the Special Forces stand ready to answer the Nation's call to duty - De Oppresso Liber. De Oppresso Liber!
The Fort Campbell Employment Readiness Program provides individualized support and guidance to help military spouses begin or advance in their careers. Whether a spouse has never worked before, has gaps in employment, encounters obstacles to employment, or is a licensed professional seeking employment after a Permanent Change of Station move, there are resources available to help spouses achieve their career goals.
Army Community Service (ACS) provides the following programs and resources for service members their families, retirees and DoD Civilians: Army Emergency Relief (AER), Army Family Action Plan (AFAP), Army Family Team Building (AFTB), Army Volunteer Corps (AVC), Exceptional Family Member Progam (EFMP), Family Advocacy Program (FAP), Financial Readiness Program, Information, Referral & Follow-up (IR&F), Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC), Mobilization, Deployment & Support Stability Operations (MD&SSO), New Parent Support Program, Relocation & Employment Readiness Program, Survivor Outreach Services (SOS).
The Army Continuing Education System (ACES) mission is "To vigorously promote lifelong learning opportunities to sharpen the competitive edge of the Army by providing and managing quality self-development programs and services."
As an extension of DFAS, providing world class finance and accounting service for the military and defense agencies, the Defense Military Pay Office at Fort Campbell provides military pay operations to Army Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard Service Members. Our goal is to pay Soldiers what they are entitled to timely and with accuracy. We are a fully integrated financial service provider here to support and serve the brave men and women who serve our country and protect our way of life.
The Armed Forces Substance Abuse Prevention program provides education & early intervention to help commanders, civilian supervisors, and the Fort Campbell community reduce lifestyle risk factors to increase healthy outcomes. We are committed to understanding our supported units and their missions, anticipating what is needed to sustain mission readiness, and proudly serving as a valued member of the Commander’s battle staff.
As an integral component of Army’s Ready and Resilient Campaign (R2C), ASAP improves readiness of the Army through the development and enhancement of Army Suicide Prevention Program policies, training, data collection and analysis, and strategic communications designed to minimize suicide behavior; thereby preserving mission effectiveness through individual readiness and resilience for Soldiers, Army Civilians and Family members.
Blanchfield Army Community Hospital (BACH) provides emergency as well as non-emergent primary care (all ages), internal medicine, pediatrics, behavioral health, physical therapy, sports medicine, optometry, immunizations, nutrition care, and occupational health services. Pharmacy, laboratory, and radiology services are also available on site.
Physical training takes place every Monday - Friday 6:30 - 8 a.m., except on training holidays and federal holidays. During PT hours, travel is restricted along specific roads. Some roads do not allow PT at any time of day.
The Army’s Career Skills Program (CSP) provides Soldiers the opportunity to participate in skills training, during their transition period, in order to improve their civilian employment options. CSPs are conducted while Soldiers are still on active duty.
The Casualty Assistance Office provides assistance to next-of-kin of critically injured, ill or deceased service members, retirees, and veterans to include benefits counseling; military funeral honors; and Casualty Assistance / Notification Officer training.
Central Issue Facility
Our goal with the One Stop Shop is to give you, the Army professional, access to valuable and meaningful training that is both relevant to your job and beneficial to your progression. We will also provide Local Developmental Assignment opportunities and job shadowing options for employees to afford cross training and understanding of the overall mission.
The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center is made up of a team of human resources professionals dedicated to supporting and empowering service members, civilian employees , families and veterans worldwide in an era of persistent conflict. The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center recruits, retains and sustains a high quality volunteer force through innovative and effective enterprise solutions and ensures human resources readiness of the Total Army across the full spectrum of operations.
Physical training takes place every Monday - Friday 6:30 - 8 a.m., except on training holidays and federal holidays. During PT hours, travel is restricted along specific roads. Some roads do not allow PT at any time of day.
DA Photo requirements and scheduling
Directorate of Emergency Services (DES): Provide quality force protection, law enforcement, physical security, access control, Fire & Emergency services, and Police and Community Liaison Services to the Community. Provide oversight on installation law enforcement standards and initiatives for personnel, equipment and training. DES provides support in the areas of Law Enforcement, Fire and Emergency Services, Physical Security, Surety, Antiterrorism and Emergency Management to protect property and the workforce. The DES consists of Law Enforcement (LE), Physical Security (PS), Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) and Protection (P). Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) Branch covers Incident Command and mitigation of all Installation emergency responses, Emergency Dispatch Centers, All-Hazard response operations, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting operations, and Fire Prevention/Public Education Programs.
The Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (Family and MWR) administers Fort Campbell's Family and MWR programs to include Army Community Service (ACS) and Child and Youth Services (CYS) in support of active duty Service Members, Retirees, Civilian Employees, and Contractors, and their Families. Provide Family support activities and services; social, fitness and recreational activities that enhance community life, foster Soldier and unit readiness and promote mental and physical fitness; and wellness programs that directly support readiness and resiliency.
Directs, coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates installation operations and training support activities, while providing force protection, mobilization and demobilization, reserve component training support, force modernization, operational planning, and emergency operations functions to provide a focused operating and training environment for the Senior Commander and tenant organizations.
Directorate of Public Works (DPW): The DPW is the Garrison's primary element for maintenance of the installation, infrastructure, and the environment. DPW consists of five Public Works Divisions: Master Planning; Business Operations and Integration; Housing Management; Environment and Natural Resources; and Engineering / Energy. DPW encompasses the review of work classification and technical adequacy of all projects; reviews and validates submission of Military Construction (MILCON) projects for all construction and renovations development occurring on the Installation; manages IMCOM's Sustainment Restoration and Moderation (SRM) projects approved and funded for each fiscal year; updates Real Property assets, allowances, requirements, and programmed construction data in a variety of databases; provides day-to-day sustainment and maintenance support for the installation tenant activities; monitors and ensures all work and military-training activities are accomplished incompliance with Federal and State Environmental requirements / regulations; and provides oversight for all Quality of Life requirements for Housing all Service Members and their Families residing on the installation or in the local community.
The Don F. Pratt Museum is closed to prepare for the move to the Tennessee Wings of Liberty Museum, which is scheduled to open in November 2025. Visit the Fort Campbell Historical Foundation website,, for the latest. The Don F. Pratt Museum was established in 1956 as a division museum for the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The museum’s central theme is the history of the 101st Airborne Division, the “Screaming Eagles,” and it covers the period from the early 1940s to present.
Kentucky and Tennessee driver's license and vehicle registration information.
The Fort Campbell DPW Environmental Division is committed to environmental excellence in all aspects of the Fort Campbell mission.
The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
The Equal Opportunity (EO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
Fire and Emergency Services guarantee a safe working and living environment, by providing our customers the most proficient fire suppression, emergency medical, technical rescue, hazardous materials intervention and fire prevention services to them. The Fire and Emergency Services will at all times maintain the ability to respond to our customers emergencies, protecting their life and property. Through continual customer contact the fire department management and employees will remain focused on the concerns of our internal and external customers, by providing an immediate correction, or avenue of correction for our customers based on their individual needs or situation.
The Fort Campbell Exchange offers numerous shopping and dining opportunities across the installation.
The Housing Services Office is composed of three divisions, the Housing Services Office (HSO), Unaccompanied Housing and Army Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) Division.
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has six schools on Fort Campbell educating children of active duty service members who choose to live on Fort Campbell. Austin Peay State University, Hopkinsville Community College, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Murray State University can be found at the Staff Sgt. Glen H. English Jr. Army Education Center.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government.
Heat related deaths and illnesses are preventable; however, people die by extreme heat every year. The heat index is the "feels-like" temperature, or how hot it really feels when the relative humidity is factored in with the actual air temperature. The emergency operation center is notified whenever the index gets to heat category 5.
Passport/Visa support provided by the United States Department of Defense (DOD) by assisting DOD Service Members, Civilians and Family Members in obtaining the official travel documents necessary to facilitate official government travel.
The legal office provides legal services to service members and their families to include claims, legal assistance, magistrate issues (including tickets), military justice, and administrative, civil, or labor law (including investigating officer appointments).
Physical training takes place every Monday - Friday 6:30 - 8 a.m., except on training holidays and federal holidays. During PT hours, travel is restricted along specific roads. Some roads do not allow PT at any time of day. Visit our Physical Training Route Maps for information on designated run routes.
Master Planning Division is one of the divisions within the Directorate of Public Works. Here you'll find the Fort Campbell Technical Design Guide, the Installation Planning Standards, and the Green Infrastructure Plan.
Noise complaint page with form
The obstacle course at The Sabalauski Air Assault School consists of nine obstacles and can be reserved by units across Fort Campbell for training. On the Obstacle Course page you'll find links to videos on how to successfully navigate each obstacle.
List of off-limits establishments for service members assigned to Fort Campbell.
Fort Campbell covers four counties in two states. This gives multiple options for school districts for Families who live off-post. There are five school districts that serve the majority of those Families living off-post.
During physical training hours, access to some roads on the installation are limited and training is not allowed at all on certain portions of roads.
The PAIO team of Management and Program Analysts are responsible for conducting installation strategic planning, providing information management support, and performance evaluation of base operations, essential services, and programs in support of Fort Campbell Soldiers, Families, Civilians, and Retirees.
The Provost Marshal Office is the chief law enforcement office on the installation and provides the community with 24 hour police support to maintain good order and discipline, safety and security for all those who live and or work on Fort Campbell.
The Public Affairs Office supports the installation by communicating on behalf of the installation and its leadership - providing clear, accurate, timely information to internal & external audiences. We employ a variety of communication strategies- including internal news and information products, media engagement, and public outreach.
Recycling center on Fort Campbell, Kentucky
Retirement Services Office (RSO) & Separation Center
Green? Amber? Red? Black? Visit our road conditions page for information on the current road conditions and for definitions used to describe the road conditions.
We manage the Garrison‘s Personnel Security, Information Security, Industrial Security and Security Education and Training programs on Fort Campbell. We accomplish this by providing support to Directorates and special staff offices with procedural guidance, advice, staff assistance visits and oversight of security matters.
Induction and membership in the SAMC is a reward for Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) whose leadership achievements and performance merit special recognition. The SAMC is a means of recognizing those NCOs who have contributed significantly to the development of a professional NCO Corps and a combat ready Army. Members exemplify leadership characterized by personal concern for the needs, training, development and welfare of Soldiers and concern for families of soldiers.
The Soldier and Family Fitness Network, a series of trails that connect throughout Fort Campbell, provides Soldiers and their Families, as well as civilian employees, is a dedicated area where they can walk, run or bike safely away from traffic. Much of the main portion of the trail network is conveniently located near the hub of post activity and Family housing which makes it easily accessible for lunchtime exercise or an evening stroll.
The various agencies within the Soldier Support Center are responsible for providing installation level personnel services to military personnel within Fort Campbell.
SSG John W. Kreckel NCO Academy offers multiple classes for Soldiers stationed at Fort Campbell and those across the U.S. Army.
Supervisor Toolkit
The Army Counterintelligence mission is to detect, identify, and assess foreign intelligence and insider threats then counter, neutralize, or exploit those threats in order to protect Army forces, facilities, information and critical technologies.
The Sabalauski Air Assault School
The mission of the Army Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is to deliver a world-class transition program for America’s Army that empowers members to make informed career decisions that enhances lives, communities and our nation. This program enables Soldiers to capitalize on their Army experience and skills. Soldiers make informed decisions using transition program services and re-enlistment may be a viable option. It is all about making informed decisions – setting Soldiers up for success.
The transportation office processes personal property (household goods) shipments for Soldiers and families moving into or out of Fort Campbell and surrounding counties. Once orders are obtained, please contact the transportation office as soon as possible.
Fort Campbell has two visitor control centers; one at T.C Freeman Gate and one at Gate 7. Find information on the hours control centers, documents required, long-term passes, and more.
Fort Campbell has Warrior Restaurants (WRs) for our service members across the installation. The WRs are open on a rotating schedule for the weekends and holidays. Visit our WRs page for information on hours and locations.
Consumer Confidence (Water) Report
All personnel (including but not limited to active duty, retired, National Guard, and reserve military and their family members; Department of Defense employees and their family members; and civilians who are not affiliated with Fort Campbell) who desire to maintain, frequently use, or transport a privately owned weapon on this installation will register the weapon(s) with the Provost Marshal Office (within three (3) duty days if the weapon is to be stored on post or if the owner intends to use the MWR hunting areas or ranges).
Weather alerts from Fort Campbell may take place at different times than what is issued by the National Weather Service. With Fort Campbell covering four counties over two states, information from the National Weather Service and from Detachment 4, 18th Weather Squadron is used to localize the weather forecast for the installation. Det. 4, 18th Weather Squadron is a group of Air Force service members stationed at Fort Campbell with the task of providing Battlefield Weather Airmen to support the 101st Airborne Division and the brigades. The airmen train for tactical weather operations and to deploy with their 101st Airborne Division counterparts so they can provide units with information on how the weather will impact their mission. In their day-to-day operations, they also support the installation and focus on operations at the airfields which means they can provide alerts during severe weather for the community.
Worship times and services for Fort Campbell.