DPW Services
Hunting and Fishing
For information and permits for hunting and fishing on Fort Campbell, please visit the DPW Fish and Wildlife website. For information call 270-798-9824. To report violators of the Fort Campbell hunting and fishing policies, please call 931-472-8730.
Recycling Convenience Center
Located at 6802 A Shau Valley Road, Fort Campbell, KY 42223, the Fort Campbell Recycling Convenience Center is open Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Sundays from noon - 4 p.m. Please call the center at 270-798-5695 or visit the recycling page for information on what items are acceptable to dispose of at the recycling center.
Cultural Resources and Cemeteries
In addition to the over 1500 archaeological sites and historic structures, there are 131 historic cemeteries located on Fort Campbell. For information, visit out Cultural Resources page or call 270-412-8174.
Pothole Hotline
To report a pothole on primary, secondary or dual use roads that are not exclusive to the housing communities call the DPW pothole hotline at 931-412-4153 . For issues with roads exclusive to the housing communities, call the maintenance division for Campbell Crossing at 931-431-3966.
Barracks - Unaccompanied Soldier Housing
It is mandatory for single servicemembers private (E-1) through sergeant (E-5) without dependents to reside on post in Unaccompanied Housing (UH). Each unit’s First Sergeant Barracks Program (FSBP 2020) office is responsible for assigning and terminating service members to their unit’s UH footprint. For more information on housing options, please visit the Army's housing website or call 270-798-3808.
Off-Post Housing
All service members, regardless of grade or marital status, are required to report to the Fort Campbell Housing Service Office (HSO) prior to entering in an agreement to rent, lease, or purchase off-post housing. HSO provides assistance in acquiring off-post rental housing, tenant-landlord complaint mediation, and pre-occupancy adequacy inspections, as well as assistance with home purchasing and selling. For information or assistance call 270-798-3808.
On-Post Housing
Soldiers who have one or more eligible family members living with them may apply for on-post housing with Campbell Crossing. Soldiers may apply for housing while on leave, en route, or when orders are received for Fort Campbell. You can contact Campbell Crossing via phone at 931-431-9003.
Non-Emergency Maintenance for On-Post Housing
To place a work order for non-emergency maintenance in on-post housing, to report an issue with roads within the housing communities, or for pest management in the housing communities, please call the non-emergency maintenance number for Campbell Crossing at 931-431-3966. For information on what is regarded as non-emergency maintenance, please visit the Campbell Crossing Resident Guide.
Emergency Maintenance for On-Post Housing
Emergency maintenance in the Fort Campbell, on-post housing communities is available 24/7. For information on what is regarded as emergency maintenance, please visit the Campbell Crossing Resident Guide. For emergency maintenance requests, call 931-431-6029
Pest Management for On-Post Housing
Pest Control services are offered on a weekly basis upon request by calling 931-431-3966. During occupancy, this service is managed through the service request process. Residents are prohibited from hiring any other Pest Control provider. Pest Control services are provided exclusively through Campbell Crossing and its maintenance division.
Grass cutting provided under private contract. You can reach the lawn company at 1-800-481-0096. The schedule is set by the housing communities. For the on-post housing grass cutting schedule, visit the Campbell Crossing website.
DPW Divisions
Master Planning Division
The Master Planning Office develops and maintains Real Property Master Plans, conducts Real Property Planning Board meetings, provides Major Construction Programming Services, provides maximum utilization of Facilities Services, provides Real Property Accountability Services, grants use of Army Real Property and disposes of Real Estate, Facilities, and Real Estate Interests. Contact the Master Planning Division at 270-798-7311.
Maintenance Division
The Maintenance Division supports the Fort Campbell mission through effective use of energy, providing and maintaining sustainable facilities and infrastructure, and emphasizing a culture of safety. Contact the Maintenance Division at 270-798-9704.
Business Operations Integration Division
The Business Operations Integration Division provides management of directorate resources, information technology, human resources,and organizational strategic planning along with financial planning, analysis, programming support, and industrial engineering services. Contact the Business Operations Integration Division at 270-412-8435.
Engineering Division
The Engineering Division provides engineering support and construction project management to the U.S. Army Garrison. DPW's Engineering Division plans, organizes, coordinates, and oversees master planning, execution of design, construction, and real property management. Contact the Engineering Division at 270-798-7215.
Housing Division
The Housing Division offers individual off-post counseling and referral assistance; up-to-date listings of homes for rent or sale; review, clarify or explain lease contracts; mediate disputes between tenants and landlords; inspect off-post rental housing for adequacy and non-discriminatory rental practices; provide handout material, including area maps, rental/sales booklets, brochures, etc. Contact the Housing Division at 270-798-9245.
Environmental Division
The Fort Campbell DPW Environmental Division is committed to environmental excellence in all aspects of the Fort Campbell mission. In accordance with the Sustainable Management System, Fort Campbell’s environmental policy focuses the installation’s efforts. Click here to visit the Environmental Division page or contact the Environmental Division at 270-798-9645.
Click here to visit our Environmental Quality Officers Handbook page to find the EQO Handbook online.