The Business and Operations Integration Division strategically supports installation sustainment through procurement, inventory, resource, and work management by aligning requirements to capability, forecasting infrastructure, and equipment lifecycle, and with flexibility in an ever-changing environment ensuring force readiness of the Fort Drum Power Projection Platform with a cohesive, trained, professional, customer-focused and empowered workforce.
Branches and Services:
Engineering Systems Branch
Branch Chief: (315) 772-4513
Bldg. 4205, Po Valley Road
Resource management
Directorate integration
Strategic planning
Work Management Branch
Branch Chief: (315) 774-6740
Bldg. 4205, Po Valley Road
Annual Work Planning, prioritization, and execution
Work Order/Demand Maintenance Order reception and processing
DPW Supply Operations
Service Order Requests for facilities maintained
by Directorate of Public Works
(Excludes on-post housing maintained
by Fort Drum Mountain Community Homes)
For all true life, health, and safety (LHS) issues, please dial 911 immediately. Examples are gas leak, fire, smoke, etc.
For emergency service order requests, call (315) 772-DPW1 (3791).
For all non-emergency service requests, use the Army Maintenance Application (ArMA). This is accessible by computer or smartphone.
Any calls taken by the emergency call center that are not LHS / emergencies will be returned to the requester for submission through ArMA.
If you require assistance on previously submitted service work, use the ArMA application. Please do not email for assistance unless it is an emergency and/or until the following time has passed: Priority 1 work, after 24 hours of order submission; Priority 2 work, after seven days of submission; and Priority 3 work, after 30 days of submission.
Business & Operations Integration Division (BOID)
(315) 774-6740
Bldg. 4205, Po Valley Road
Fort Drum, NY 13602