What does DEERS stand for?

Defense Enrollment and Eligibility Reporting System


What are the operating hours for the ID Card Section?

Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Last customer at 3:45 p.m.



Does my sponsor have to be with me to get an ID Card?

Yes, with the following exceptions:


- If the sponsor signs DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) in front of a Verifying Official, the family member may bring this form unaccompanied by the sponsor.

- If the sponsor signs DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) and has it notarized, the family member may bring this form unaccompanied by the sponsor.

- The family member may sign the DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) using a general power of attorney (P.O.A.).

- Sponsor needs to visit www.dmdc.osd.mil/self_service and complete DD Form 1172-2 electronically.

What documentation is needed to add, remove or make changes to DEERS?

The sponsor will always need original or true certified supporting documentation to make any changes, (i.e. Birth, Death, Marriage Certificate, Social Security Cards, Divorce, Adoption, and Custody Decrees)


Once the DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) is signed, how long is it good for?


90 days from date of sponsor's signature.


Can an ID card be issued by mail?


Yes. A person needing an ID card and who is unable to travel (incapacitated) to the nearest ID card facility or lives 50 or more miles from an ID Card Center may request this either by mail or phone. Upon request, instructions and a DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) will be mailed by the ID Card Center. The sponsor will then return the signed and notarized DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) along with a notarized photograph of the card recipient.

Can an ID Card be issued by mail?

Yes. A person needing an ID Card and who is unable to travel (incapacitated) to the nearest ID card facility or lives 50 or moremiles away from an ID Card Center may request this either by mail or phone. Upon request, instructions and a DD Form 1172-2 (application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) will be mailed by the ID Card Center. The sponsor will then return the signed and notorized DD Form 1172-2 (application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) along with notarized photograph of the card recipient.

Mailing Address for the Fort Belvoir ID Card Center:


USAG Fort Belvoir

Directorate of Human Resources


5815 20th Street, Suie 108

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

What is the earlest an ID Card can be renewed before expiring?

90 days for Common Access Card (CAC)

90 days for dependents, with the followoing exceptions:

  • card is damaged
  • promotion of sponsor
  • significant change in appearance

If the sponsor is deployed, how can a family member recieve an ID Card?

  • If sponsor has access to CAC enabled computer, the DD Form 1172-2 can be completed by visiting www.dmdc.osd.mil/self_service
  • The dependent has a Power of Attorney allowing him/her to conduct business in the sponsor's DEERS record.

Are the hours of lunchtime (11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.) a good time to get an ID Card?

No. While the ID Card Section does not close for lunch, the office is minimally staffed. This can create delays.

What is the minimum age a dependent can receive an ID Card?

Age 10, with the following exceptions:

  • depdent dual active service members
  • sponsor is a single parent
  • dependent is not residing in sponsor's household

How long may a dependent keep an ID Card?

Up to age 21. At age 21 if the dependent is enrolled FULL TIME in an accredited institution of higher learning, that depdent may have an ID card until the date of graduation of their 23rd birthday, whichever occurs first. EXCEPTION: if the dependent is incapacitated, a child dependency packet needs to be completed. This packet can be obtained from our office and then forwarded DFAS.

What is needed to establish a dependent as a full-time student in DEERS?

A letter from the school registrar's office stating that the depdent's (student) full-time status and an anticipated graduation date.

Can a retiring sponsor on terminal leave be issued a retirement ID Card before the retirement date?

Yes, up to 90 days prior. Although the system allows for this, it is not recommended due to the possibility of a gap in TRICARE coverage when entering a date before the actual retirement date.

Can a parent, step-parent, or parent-in-law be added as a depdenent to DEERS?

Yes. There are forms available at the ID Card Center that must be filled out and sent to DFAS for approval. Once approved the service member should bring the forms and the newly established depdenent to the ID card center to be entered into DEERS and to receive an ID card.

How is a spouse added to DEERS?

The sponsor will bring in the marriage certificate, birth certificate, social security card and picture ID (ie. Drivers License, State ID, ect.). For non U.S. Citizens a temporary ID number (TIN) will be used in lieu of a social security number. WHen foreign documents are presented, an English translation is required, no exception. (check with army OneSource or U.S. Department of State for assistance).

How are children added to DEERS?

It is dependent on the following:

  • A female sponsor needs only bring the children's birth certificate and Social Security card.
  • An unmarried male sponsor must have the child's birth certificate, Social Security card, and judicial determination (i.e. court-ordered child support or divorce decree naming children as his own). If no judicial determination has been made, forms are available at an ID Card Center that must be sent to DFAS for approval.
  • If a male sponsor is married and his wife is already on DEERS, he need only bring the child's birth certificate and Social Security Card.

Can step-children be added to DEERS?

Yes, as long as they reside with that service member and are not already the dependents of another service member (unless the sponsor's spouse has physical custody, in which case such document must also be presented).

Can a ward of a service member be added to DEERS?

Yes. The service member must bring the court document(s), the birth certificate(s) of the dependent(s), the Social Security card(s), and picture ID(s), if applicable. The ward(s) must reside with the sponsor and be dependent on the sponsor for over half of their support.

Can an Unremarried Former Spouse (URFS) of a sponsor keep their ID card and benefits?

Yes, when the following conditions are met:

  • The sponsor performed at least 20 years of service
  • The spouse was married to the sponsor at least 20 years
  • The 20 years of marriage were during the 20 years of the sponsor's service. All of the above being met, the URFS is entitled to full benefits so long as they do not remarry.


  • The sponsor performed at least 20 years of service
  • The spouse was married to the sponsor atleast 20 years
  • The 20 years of marriage were during at least 15 years of the sponsor's service. All the above being met, the URFS is only entitled to medical coverage for 1 year

What is required for a Disabled American Veteran (DAV) to recieve an ID Card?

To receive a DAV ID card, the person must bring:

  • The letter from the Office of Veterans Affairs (VA) stating that they are 100% disabled and has entitlements to the Commissary and Post Exchange.
  • The Service Members DD214 (Honorable Discharge from Active Duty)
  • The Veteran's Birth Certificate and Social Security Card
  • Picture ID and supporting documentation for any and all family members to be added.

NOTE: A Disabled American Veterans ID card entitles them to Commissary and Post Exchange privileges only. Medical is handled by the VA.