Strives to deliver exceptional risk-related services to meet the ever-evolving needs of our Soldiers, families, and civilians of Fort Riley.
Vision Statement
To create a culture of continuous improvement, inspiring authenticity in tomorrow's leaders.
IDEAL Values
Integrity Diversity Excellence Accountability Leadership
Fort Riley Fire & Emergency Services 1020 Huebner Road Fort Riley, KS 66442Who Are We
Fort Riley Fire & Emergency Services (FRFES) is committed to providing the best and most progressive services to our community. We are known as an innovative leader in Army Fire Protection. Not only do we provide service to our own community, we regularly provide support to our community partners through mutual aid agreements.
Our professional, caring and dedicated personnel provide top-notch services. Their innovative vision, desire and skills have made us a progressive leader in Department of Defense (DoD) Fire Services. Our personnel are equipped with state-of-the-art apparatus and equipment. Our involvement with special programs and other agencies keep our personal on the cutting edge.
Is A Career in Fire Protection For You?
As with anything, there's a process in place when it comes to submitting a resume to our human resources team for consideration for hire. We've created a guide to provide more information and lead you through that process. Applicant Guide
Fire Suppresssion
Fire suppression is still our primary mission. Fire loss has been kept to a minimum through the fast and competent actions of our firefighters. Our firefighters are equipped with the finest apparatus and the state-of-the-art equipment. Through continual practical fire training and extensive educational opportunities, we ensure that our personnel can "protect those who protect our country."
Emergency Medical Services
Modern day emergency medical services (EMS) continue to evolve through advanced equipment, training and technology. FRFES responds to all EMS calls along with transporting ambulances. This helps with quicker response times due to locations of fire stations. All operations personnel are trained to the EMT level. Progressive EMS protocols along with standing orders and directives from our medical director help improve our standard of care.
Technical Rescue
FRFES provides a variety of technical rescue services such as confined space, rope, vehicle/machinery extrication, swift water, trench and structural collapse. The technical rescue team operates Rescue 1. Our department is one of 6 departments in Kansas that makes up Kansas Task Force 2. Our training area with extensive props has made us an integral part of the training and certification for the Army, Air Force, Kansas Fire Marshal’s Office and University of Kansas Fire Rescue Training Institute.
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
Marshal Army Air Field (MAAF) is home to the 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division. We support aircraft training, maintenance and operations to ensure availability for deployment worldwide. On occasion, civilian aircraft are authorized use of the airfield. We provide fire suppression and rescue services to MAAF as well as to the remote airstrips located at in and around Fort Riley.
Hazardous Materials Response
FRFES is tasked with providing operations and technician level response to all hazardous materials incidents on Fort Riley, as well as providing incident commanders to manage the incidents. All firefighters are required to be certified to the Hazardous Materials Operations level. More than 90 percent at the Technician level. A specialized team of DOD-certified Hazardous Materials Technician level responders are assigned at Station 5 for immediate dispatch to all hazardous material spills, releases and terrorist events. All FRFES Chief Officers are certified at the Hazardous Materials Incident Commander level.
Wildland Fire
FRFES supports wildland fire protection and suppression to Fort Riley’s 110,000 acres. FRFES personnel are trained to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s (NWCG) standards that meet the new DOD Wildland Fire Policy. The installation has agreements with local, state and federal agencies to assist in combating wildfires. Our Prescribed Fire Program has reduced the threat of wildfires in the small and large arms range areas, by reducing the amount of accumulated vegetation. This ensures that military training continues without the loss of valuable training time and the shutdown of units waiting for fires to be suppressed. This also reduces the possibility of a large wildfire escaping the boundary of the installation.
The Fire Training Center is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including a three-story fire tower, and a two-story confined space trainer. A 45-person classroom outfitted with video teleconferencing equipment is located nearby at our headquarters building. The Training Branch also has several mobile trainers including a helicopter simulator, roof ventilation trailer and vehicle fire simulator. Training is the cornerstone of our service delivery. Our Training Branch facilitates thousands of hours of training annually. Additionally, we are recognized as a State of Kansas Emergency Medical Services and National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians continuing education site.
Fire Prevention Branch
Primary Services
Facility fire and life safety hazard inspections
Codes and Standards Construction
- Plans review
- All new construction project review
- All existing construction project review
Fire investigations
- All fires in jurisdiction investigated for cause and origin
- Investigation services to neighboring agencies
Public Education
- School-age fire prevention activities
- Building Fire Warden training
- Day care provider fire education
- Fire drills
- Safety trailer for mobile kitchen and bedroom demonstrations
- Fire extinguisher training
- Youth Firesetters Intervention Program
Coloring page for children
Prevention Pays Off
One of the major highlights for the Brand are the annual Fire Prevention Week activities. Each school on post is visited by our personnel with a message of fire and general safety. With over 29,000 contacts annually, the message of fire and general safety makes a large impact on the public. Fire Prevention helps ensure that injuries and fire loss are being held at the negligible level. If we can help you identify potential life safety hazard, set up a training session, talk about children and fire, or answer any questions please contact us.
Fire Publications
Fire Safety Staff Inspection Plan
FR fm 670 - Building Emergency Contacts
FR Pam 420-1 - Fire Warden Responsibilities
FR Reg 420-4 Fire Prevention Protection Program
Sample Fire Safety SOP
Recruitment and Careers

Primary: 785-239-1423
Sunday | 24/7 |
Monday | 24/7 |
Tuesday | 24/7 |
Wednesday | 24/7 |
Thursday | 24/7 |
Friday | 24/7 |
Saturday | 24/7 |
Building: 5000
NOTICE: For emergencies, please call 911.

Primary: 785-239-6220
Sunday | 24/7 |
Monday | 24/7 |
Tuesday | 24/7 |
Wednesday | 24/7 |
Thursday | 24/7 |
Friday | 24/7 |
Saturday | 24/7 |
Building: 706
NOTICE: For emergencies, please call 911.

Primary: 785-240-6103
Sunday | 24/7 |
Monday | 24/7 |
Tuesday | 24/7 |
Wednesday | 24/7 |
Thursday | 24/7 |
Friday | 24/7 |
Saturday | 24/7 |
Building: 2620
NOTICE: For emergencies, please call 911.

Primary: 785-239-2108
Sunday | 24/7 |
Monday | 24/7 |
Tuesday | 24/7 |
Wednesday | 24/7 |
Thursday | 24/7 |
Friday | 24/7 |
Saturday | 24/7 |
Building: 430
NOTICE: For emergencies, please call 911.

Primary: 785-239-8877
Sunday | 24/7 |
Monday | 24/7 |
Tuesday | 24/7 |
Wednesday | 24/7 |
Thursday | 24/7 |
Friday | 24/7 |
Saturday | 24/7 |
Building: 1026A
NOTICE: For emergencies, please call 911.

Primary: 785-240-2038
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Tuesday | 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Wednesday | 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Thursday | 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Friday | 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Saturday | Closed |
Building: 1020
NOTICE: For emergencies, please call 911.