Welcome to Fort Riley and 1st Infantry Division (1ID), home of the "Big Red One" (BRO)
If you have not done so already, please log into the Army Career Tracker (ACT) at https://actnow.army.mil, click on "Sponsorship" on the left-hand side and complete DA Form 5434 to request a sponsor.
If you have any questions in reference to BRO Sponsorship, email the 1ID Sponsorship NCOIC at usarmy.riley.1-id.mbx.1id-sponsorship@mail.mil.
Fort Riley Relocation Program
Army spouses requesting a sponsor can contact the Fort Riley Relocation Office at (785) 239-5739 or request one through the Facebook Page "Moving to Fort Riley". They will provide the spouse with a digital welcome letter with attachments containing information on Fort Riley. For more information about Fort Riley's Relocation Program and to visit the web page, click here.