





The Military Personnel Services Division is involved in all of the activities of sustaining the human dimension needs of Soldiers, retirees, veterans, and their families. Some of these activities include Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) and Central In-processing and out-processing, casualty affairs, separations, ID Card and DEERS services, retirement services, and the full spectrum of military personnel office services. The Military Personnel Services Division also has significant involvement in deployment and redeployment of active duty units, as well as mobilization and demobilization of Army Reserve and National Guard units.

IDCardIcon.png   DEERS / ID Cards

Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY)

PTDY is leave that is used in conjunction with transition leave & is only authorized for Soldiers being separated that meet certain criteria. The purpose of PTDY is to facilitate Transition to civilian life such as house & job hunting. It is an authorization, not an entitlement. The commander does not have to approve PTDY if he or she determines that Soldier is needed for operational purposes. The approving authority is a minimum of 05.

Eligibility: # Days Authorized:
Soldier has too much time for grade RCP (Retention Control Point) 20
Officers & Enlisted Soldiers separated on Medical Disability Separation 20
Enlisted Soldier separated on QMP 20
Officers & Enlisted Soldiers Retiring 20
Officer separated because of failure for promotion 10
Chapter 5-8 for Parenthood 10
Chapter 5-13 for Personality Disorder 10
Chapter 5-17 for Physical, not a Disability 10
Chapter 9 for Alcohol/Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Failure 10
Chapter 18 for failure on overweight program 10

      Separating at ETS & eligible to reenlist
    • Soldier has declined an assignment & signed a DCSS statement
    • Separation is due to AWOL, Lost Time, or other adverse conditions
    • Separated under any voluntary chapter
    • Separated under Chapters 10, 13, 14

    Completing DA 31 for PTDY in conjunction with Transition Leave

    Only one DA-31 is needed, and it is prepared as follows:

    • Check the PTDY box and the Other box
    • Terminal leave is typed on the blank line
    • The amount of leave accrued through the Soldier's ETS date is put in the accrued leave block
    • In the next block will be the amount of leave the Soldier plans to take
    • Leave can only be taken in whole days. Half days will be paid
    • The entire time period will be entered in block 10 (beginning with day PTDY starts, including the accrued leave being taken, all the way thru separation (ETS) date)
    • In the Remarks section, list what days are PTDY and what days are chargeable as leave

    Transition Center (Separations)

    The office provides a smooth transition for Fort Riley Soldiers who are separating from the Army, ensuring the final disposition of records and counseling Soldiers on benefits.

    Enlisted ETS Separations POC: 785-239-8605 / 785-239-2265
    Officer and Medical Separations POC: 785-239-2963 / 785-239-0903

    Chapter Separations POC: 785-239-3445

    Reserve Component Transition Center

    The Reserve Component Transition Office provides transition assistance to Soldiers desiring Army National Guard, Army Reserve, or Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) assignments upon completion of required active duty service.

    All Soldiers who intend to ETS are scheduled to attend a transition briefing 120-90 days prior to release from active duty. This briefing explains the benefits available to Soldiers who accept a Reserve Component assignment. Benefits for drilling reservists include: pay for attending weekend meetings; military exchange privileges; commissary privileges; space available air transportation; full-time Serviceman's Group Life Insurance; and eligibility to qualify for retired pay at age 60.

    Soldiers who plan to further their education may also enroll in the Montgomery GI Bill and qualify for other incentive programs to help defray college expenses. Additionally, Soldiers who affiliate with the Reserve Component are eligible for 100% Federal tuition assistance. Individual States have various college tuition assistance plans which will be explained during the interview process.

    Personnel Automation Branch

    Performs electronic military personnel operations (EMILPO) functions, manages database accuracy and monitors personnel accountability while serving as a liaison between the installation and the Total Army Personnel Data Base (TAPDB).

    Levy Process (Reassignment)


    When enlisted Soldiers are placed on assignment by HRC, this office is notified via the weekly CAP Cycle. The CAP Cycle is generated by HRC every Tuesday and the Reassignment office downloads those assignments once the Cap Cycle is published. Once the assignments are downloaded and reviewed, a Reassignment Notification is sent to the Soldier and the unit S-1.

    CONUS Bound - Soldiers on assignment to a CONUS location must ensure they have a minimum of 24 months service remaining to qualify for the assignment. Some CONUS assignments require 36 months service remaining; please check your Reassignment Notification to be sure. Once you are fully qualified (meet service requirement, not flagged, etc.) your PCS Order will be emailed to your AKO email address within 5 to 7 business days depending on your report date to your gaining command. PCS Orders for CONUS bound Soldiers are generally published six months from the report date.

    PCS Orders are published and emailed to the Soldier’s AKO email address and to the unit S-1. If you are within six months of your report date and have not received your PCS Order please call 785-239-3163 for a status.

    OCONUS Bound - Soldiers on assignment to an OCONUS location are required to attend a Reassignment (levy) briefing. Reassignment briefings are held every Wednesday at 0900 in building 210. Registration begins at 0800. Spouses may attend. Duty uniform is not mandated and the briefing normally last 2 hours. Seniors may call for a desk side one-on-one brief.

    OCONUS bound Soldiers requesting family travel Command Sponsorship must submit the appropriate documentation for screening. They must also ensure they have at least 36 months service remaining for most OCONUS locations and 24 months remaining for Korea. Once the Reassignment office receives the completed family screening forms the request will be forwarded to the gaining command for consideration.

    PCS Orders will not be published until a family travel decision has been rendered by the gaining command. In certain circumstances, Soldier’s may request a modified PCS Order while awaiting a family travel decision. The modified PCS Order will not have a family travel authorization.
    OCONUS bound Soldiers that have elected to serve a without dependents tour will generally receive their PCS Order in 5 – 7 business days after attending the mandatory Overseas Reassignment briefing.

    PCS Orders are published and emailed to the Soldier’s AKO email address and to the unit S-1. If after 10 business days, you have not received your PCS Order call 785-239-3163 for the status.

    All Enlisted Soldiers - Soldiers that do not meet the service remaining requirement will not receive their PCS Order until they have reenlisted or extended for the required timeframe.

    • First term Soldiers that are required to reenlist or extend to meet their service remaining requirement are authorized to decline the assignment without retribution.
    • Career Soldiers must either reenlist or extend to meet the service remaining requirement or sign a declination of continued service statement which does have negative consequences – see your Battalion Retention NCO for more details.


    When Officers are placed on assignment, their branch manager submits a Request for Orders (RFO) in eTOPMIS. The Reassignment office downloads RFOs Monday - Friday and begins processing orders within six months of report date. Once your assignment is verified, your PCS Order will be published and emailed to your AKO email address along with the Ft. Riley Reassignment Guide. PCS Orders are generally published six months prior to the report date. Please contact, Officer Reassignments if you have any questions regarding your assignment or PCS Order 785-239-3956/3163.

    Deletions, Deferments, & Early Arrival

    Request for personal/compassionate/hardship deletion/deferment must be received within 30 days of the CAP Cycle. Requests will not be accepted unless the Soldier has attended the mandatory reassignment briefing. Documents must include 4187 signed by the first COL (O6) in chain of command along with supporting documentation to justify the hardship. Soldier or unit S1 can submit documentation to the Reassignment office. Soldier should not do any non-reversible actions while pending a deletion such as shipping household goods. Request for operational deletions/deferments are processed by the MSE G1 and not the Reassignment office. We will not accept operational deletion/deferment request. Contact, Deletion/Deferments, if you have any questions regarding status/submission at 785-239-3163.


    IPPS-A Soldier's Guide

     Enlisted Separation Process

     Officer Separations Process

     Medical Separations

     Chapter Separation Procedures

     TAMP Benefits

     Separation Physicals