The Directorate of Emergency Services provides quality force protection, law enforcement, physical security, access control, Fire & Emergency services, and Police and Community Liaison Services to the Community. Provide oversight on installation law enforcement standards and initiatives for personnel, equipment and training. DES provides support in the areas of Law Enforcement, Fire and Emergency Services, Physical Security, Surety, Antiterrorism and Emergency Management to protect property and the workforce. The DES consists of Law Enforcement (LE), Physical Security (PS), Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) and Protection (P). Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) Branch covers Incident Command and mitigation of all Installation emergency responses, Emergency Dispatch Centers, All-Hazard response operations, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting operations, and Fire Prevention/Public Education Programs.
The directorate administers the installation’s Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) programs to include Army Community Service (ACS) and Child and Youth Services (CYS) in support of active duty service members, retirees, civilian employees, and contractors, and their families. DFMWR provides family support activities and services; social, fitness and recreational activities that enhance community life, fosters Soldier and unit readiness and promotes mental and physical fitness; and wellness programs that directly support readiness and resiliency.
The Directorate of Human Resources provides the full spectrum of human resource services to Soldiers, families, retirees and civilians to enable readiness for a self-reliant and globally-responsive all volunteer Army. The divisions of DHR include Administrative Services, the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), Education Services, Military Personnel Services, the Soldier For Life - Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP), and Workforce Development.
The Fort Riley Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security directs, coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates installation operations and training support activities, while providing force protection, mobilization and demobilization, reserve component training support, force modernization, operational planning, and emergency operations functions to provide a focused operating and training environment for the senior commander and tenant organizations. DPTMS is organized into Marshall Army Airfield; Operations and Plans Division; Installation Security & Intelligence Division; and Training Division.
The Directorate of Public Works is the Garrison’s primary element for maintenance of the installation, infrastructure, and the environment. Fort Riley DPW consists of six Public Works Divisions: Business Operations and Integration; Engineering Services Division; Environmental Division; Housing Services Division; Master Planning Division; and Operations and Maintenance Division.
The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
The priority of the the garrison safety office is to maintain safe and healthful working conditions for the Soldiers, family members and civilian workforce in partnership with the Greater Flint Hills Community by employing the highest professional standards and providing exceptional service to Fort Riley. The GSO is the provider of consistent, quality services that are a force multiplier in supported organizations' mission accomplishment, and materially enhance Soldier, family and civilian well-being and readiness.
The Staff Judge Advocate assists commanders in maintaining combat ready forces to fight and win our Nation's wars by providing timely, accurate, principled legal advice from dedicated, highly trained legal professionals. We care for Soldiers, family members, Army civilians and retirees by providing professional, values-based legal services at home station and on the battlefield.
PAIO is the premier enabler of enterprise solutions focused on delivery of equitable services, promoting business transformation, monitoring results and promoting strategies for communities of the future.
Public Affairs fulfills the Army obligation to keep the American people and the Army informed and helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in America's Army and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war. PAO provides support for the Warfighters and their families at Fort Riley to enhance the warfighter's ability to accomplish their mission and maintain a spirit of positive cooperation with the Central Flint Hills Region towards providing an exceptional quality of life for the Soldiers, families and civilians of Fort Riley.
The 97th Military Police Battalion deploys worldwide to conduct Military Police operations in support of Forces Command. The battalion also conducts continuous law and order operations in support of the Fort Riley military community.

Religious Support Office - Chaplain

The Religious Support Office serves Soldiers and families at six chapels located across post and in every unit offering worship services with your spiritual needs in mind. Whatever your religious background, you can grow and flourish during your assignment here in the heart of America. There are many worship opportunities, representing a wide variety of faiths.