Employee Services

The mission is to deliver dynamic human resource administrative support services and provide functional programs to sustain readiness at Fort Riley.
Fort Riley's Army Community Service provides first class services and support to Soldiers, Families, and Army civilian employees that enhances readiness, improves quality of life and increases well-being.
The Education Services office creates a customer focused learning environment that integrates current education, training and transition programs to provide broad learning opportunities, facilitate access to services and enhance the visibility of all installation student programs.
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army´s workforce, to conserve manpower and enhance the combat readiness of Soldiers. The Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) supports commanders with proactive programs that focus on prevention education and training.
The most up-to-date information and locations for deployment and welcome home ceremonies is available here. The arrival times are subject to change without notice, if you are planning on attending a ceremony, check here for the latest updates.
The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System is a database of information on uniformed service members (sponsors), U.S.-sponsored foreign military, DoD and uniformed service civilians, other personnel as directed by the DoD, and their family members.
Digital Garrison is a one-stop information source for Army communities.
The Directorate of Emergency Services provides quality force protection, law enforcement, physical security, access control, Fire & Emergency services, and Police and Community Liaison Services to the Community. Provide oversight on installation law enforcement standards and initiatives for personnel, equipment and training. DES provides support in the areas of Law Enforcement, Fire and Emergency Services, Physical Security, Surety, Antiterrorism and Emergency Management to protect property and the workforce. The DES consists of Law Enforcement (LE), Physical Security (PS), Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) and Protection (P). Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) Branch covers Incident Command and mitigation of all Installation emergency responses, Emergency Dispatch Centers, All-Hazard response operations, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting operations, and Fire Prevention/Public Education Programs.
The directorate administers the installation’s Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) programs to include Army Community Service (ACS) and Child and Youth Services (CYS) in support of active duty service members, retirees, civilian employees, and contractors, and their families. DFMWR provides family support activities and services; social, fitness and recreational activities that enhance community life, fosters Soldier and unit readiness and promotes mental and physical fitness; and wellness programs that directly support readiness and resiliency.
The Directorate of Human Resources provides the full spectrum of human resource services to Soldiers, families, retirees and civilians to enable readiness for a self-reliant and globally-responsive all volunteer Army. The divisions of DHR include Administrative Services, the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), Education Services, Military Personnel Services, the Soldier For Life - Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP), and Workforce Development.
The Fort Riley Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security directs, coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates installation operations and training support activities, while providing force protection, mobilization and demobilization, reserve component training support, force modernization, operational planning, and emergency operations functions to provide a focused operating and training environment for the senior commander and tenant organizations. DPTMS is organized into Marshall Army Airfield; Operations and Plans Division; Installation Security & Intelligence Division; and Training Division.
The Directorate of Public Works is the Garrison’s primary element for maintenance of the installation, infrastructure, and the environment. Fort Riley DPW consists of six Public Works Divisions: Business Operations and Integration; Engineering Services Division; Environmental Division; Housing Services Division; Master Planning Division; and Operations and Maintenance Division.
Find driving directions to Fort Riley, and alternative transportation for Soldiers without POVs. .
The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
The Equal Opportunity (EO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
Fire and Emergency Services is responsible for all fire fighting (structural, aircraft, and wildland), emergency dispatching services, by civilians or military, fire prevention (technical services), hazardous materials (HAZMAT)/ Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High-yield Explosives (CBRNE) response, Weapons of Mass Destruc- tion (WMD), Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), emergency medical services (EMS), rescue services, disaster preparedness, and ancillary services.
Services for members of our civilian workforce
Fort Riley provides support to the our community of retirees who proudly served the nation.
Federal employment opportunities at Fort Riley.
This page provides maps and information about Fort Riley trails.
The Fort Riley Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Office is responsible for the management of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) & Privacy Act (PA) in accordance with 5 USC, and Public Law 106-554. The office staff provides information to military members, Department of Defense civilians, military family members, the American public, Congress and the news media.
Fort Riley Garrison Directorates and Staff Ovv
The priority of the the garrison safety office is to maintain safe and healthful working conditions for the Soldiers, family members and civilian workforce in partnership with the Greater Flint Hills Community by employing the highest professional standards and providing exceptional service to Fort Riley. The GSO is the provider of consistent, quality services that are a force multiplier in supported organizations' mission accomplishment, and materially enhance Soldier, family and civilian well-being and readiness.
Fort Riley iWATCH Suspicious Activity Reporting website submission form, where you can report suspicious activities or behaviors that may indicate terrorist activity or ongoing criminal activity.
The Military Personnel Services Division is involved in all of the activities of sustaining the human dimension needs of Soldiers, retirees, veterans, and their families. Some of these activities include Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) and Central In/Out-processing, casualty affairs, separations, ID Card and DEERS services, retirement services, and the full spectrum of military personnel office services.
The Staff Judge Advocate assists commanders in maintaining combat ready forces to fight and win our Nation's wars by providing timely, accurate, principled legal advice from dedicated, highly trained legal professionals. We care for Soldiers, family members, Army civilians and retirees by providing professional, values-based legal services at home station and on the battlefield.
PAIO is the premier enabler of enterprise solutions focused on delivery of equitable services, promoting business transformation, monitoring results and promoting strategies for communities of the future.
This office provides incoming and outgoing official mail and distribution services to units/organizations. Services provided are sorting mail and distribution, delivering and distributing mail, processing accountable mail, and metering of outgoing official mail.
Fort Riley policy letters, regulations, pamphlets, and Strategic Plan
Ready Army is a community awareness campaign to increase knowledge and awareness of severe weather preparedness amongst all Soldiers, family members, DA civilians and contractors who live and work on Fort Riley.
Recycling is the process removing items, like cans, newspapers and plastic bottles out of the trash stream and processing them for reuse as new products. Collecting and reusing these items reduces impacts on the environment, and helps sustain Army readiness.
The Religious Support Office serves Soldiers and families at six chapels located across post and in every unit offering worship services with your spiritual needs in mind. Whatever your religious background, you can grow and flourish during your assignment here in the heart of America. There are many worship opportunities, representing a wide variety of faiths.
Relocation is part of military life. Moving your home and Family is never easy, but planning ahead can go a long way toward easing the changes ahead. Make a smooth move reality by visiting the Relocation Readiness office at Army Community Service.
Sexual Harassment / Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) enhances Army readiness through the prevention of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and associated retaliatory behaviors while providing comprehensive response capabilities.
Training and resources focusing on suicide prevention.
The Fort Riley Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) is professionally staffed by U.S. Army Veterinary Command Personnel. The VTF provides preventive medicine, vaccinations, sick call, and health certificates for both Interstate and International travel to animals by Active Duty and Retired DoD service members, and their dependents.
Installation access information for visitors coming to Fort Riley.
Volunteers: The Heart of the Army Community.
Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) work to ensure that military and overseas voters understand their voting rights, how to register to vote absentee, and have access to accurate nonpartisan voting information and assistance. VAOs may be members of the Uniformed Services, civilians, or members of overseas U.S. citizen organizations.
Warrior Restaurant locations, hours, and information.
Fort Riley regulation requires Soldiers to register all firearms brought on to the installation with their commanding officer. This includes Soldiers living off post, but who plan on bringing their firearms on post.