Supporting JBLM service members and their families with off-base housing relocation

Arriving Personnel

Army personnel: All newly-assigned Army personnel in the grade of O5 and below are required to attend a mandatory housing in-processing brief. Briefings are conducted 11 to 11:30a.m. Monday - Thursday in the basement of Building 2021 Pendleton Avenue (USAG Reception Building). The briefing provides information about renting in the local community and how to apply for on base housing.

Air Force personnel: All newly-assigned Air Force personnel are encouraged to check in with the HSO located at 5128 Pendleton Ave. on Lewis Main to be briefed on information about renting in the local community and how to apply for privatized on base family housing.

Permissive TDY: Service members claiming Permissive Temporary Duty for purposes of house hunting are not required to report to HSO.  Army personnel will not need to have their DA-31 stamped by the HSO.  (Note: The DA-31 must state PTDY, must not go past a Soldier’s report date and must be signed by a O5 or above.)  After signing into the installation and during in-processing, the Soldier will simply turn in their DA-31 to Finance at Waller Hall. 

Lease signing (Army and Air Force personnel):  For your protection, we advise that you do not sign a lease until you physically arrive in the JBLM area. If you sign a lease before you arrive and your military orders are delayed or deleted, you may still be legally liable for the rent. Additionally, it is never advisable to sign a lease for a property you have not seen.

JBLM Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Rates

For an updated list of BAH rates, visit BAH 2025.

HSO Welcome Packet

For useful housing and relocation information, newly arriving service members and families are encouraged to review the JBLM HSO Welcome Packet prior to making any housing arrangements. To obtain an updated version of the welcome packet, please email JBLM HSO at USARMY.JBLM.ID-READINESS.LIST.DPW-RCD-HSO@ARMY.MIL with “Request Welcome Packet” in the subject line. Please beware of rental scams on the marketplace and refer to the tips and tools in the  Avoiding Rental Scams handout.  Additional housing resources and information may be obtained by EMAILING the HSO.

Rental Partnership Program

The Rental Partnership Program helps JBLM single and married service members, and their families find affordable, off-base housing. The intent is to help ease the financial stress of PCS moves and other major transitions by encouraging landlords to provide a 5 percent or more discount on monthly rent, waive security/rent deposits and waive fees for credit checks. Visit the RPP page for more information.

HSO Services

During the housing in-processing brief, you will be provided with information about renting in the local community and how to apply for on base family housing.

Here is what HSO does for service members:

  • Educate personnel on their rights under the Service Members Civil Relief Act
  • Provide referral recourses and maps for local area 
  • Answer specific questions regarding lease terms
  • Provide home buying workshops
  • Mediate tenant/landlord disputes

Area landlords: Landlords interested in listing their properties with the JBLM HSO may email the HSO with “Request Listing Brochure” in the subject line.  For information on JBLM HSO’s Referral Listing Terms and Conditions, please click on the following link:  JBLM HSO Referral Listing Terms and Conditions

Top 10 tips for renting in Washington:

  • Research your landlord, and read every line of your lease.
  • Do a thorough inspection when you move in, take photos and document everything in writing.
  • If something breaks and it is not your fault, notify your landlord in writing.
  • If you are under the term of a lease, your landlord may not make any changes to the terms of the lease unless you agree in writing. For a month-to-month tenancy, a landlord can make changes with 30 days notice.
  • Your landlord cannot enter your property without 48 hours notice (24 hours notice if showing it to new tenants), except in very limited situations.
  • Terminate your lease in writing - delivered by certified mail, returned receipt requested or hand delivery. If terminating under the SCRA, include a copy of your orders or a memorandum from your commanding officer verifying your current or future military status.
  • When it is time to move out, do a walk-through, take photos and document everything in writing.
  • Your landlord has 30 days after your lease ends to refund your security deposit and/or send a written explanation as to why the landlord is keeping any of it.
  • You will be responsible for any damages you cause, even if it exceeds the security deposit.
  • If you have a dispute with your landlord about damages and the security deposit, you may be able to file an action in small claims court.

Departing Personnel

If you are on orders for permanent change of station, deployment or in support of a military operation for 90 days or longer and will be relocating from your current rental home or the installation, please review the attached slide deck which provides useful housing information to prepare you for your move. For questions about your specific situation, please visit HSO during business hours to meet with a counselor one-on-one and bring a copy of your lease.