JBLM is a No-Drone Zone
On May 23, 2018, the Department of Defense issued a memo suspending the purchase and use of commercial drones on U.S. military installations until cybersecurity concerns could be addressed. That policy remains in effect.
JBLM is designated as a "No Drone Zone." There are no areas anywhere on base that are authorized for commercial drone operation. The restrictions include recreational hobbyist drones and all types of radio-controlled aircraft.
This policy does not apply to military drones or military unmanned aerial vehicles operated on base for military training purposes; however, training with them must be coordinated with the appropriate range or aviation authorities on base prior to use.
Please visit the FAA website for information on where you can fly your drone off base.
Remember: Anyone operating a drone is responsible for flying within FAA guidelines and regulations and must be aware of where it is and is not safe to fly.
Only the Deputy Secretary of Defense will approve requests for exceptions to this policy, on a case-by-case basis.