Privately owned weapons stored or transported on Joint Base Lewis-McChord require registration with the JBLM Provost Marshal Office regardless of military service branch affiliation or individual status (Active duty, National Guard, Reserve, Retired, Family Member, Civilian, etc.)
Personnel will legibly complete an HJB Form 816 or 816-1 (Registration of Personal Firearms) and bring the form to a Directorate of Emergency Services' registration office. Offices are located in Waller Hall, on Lewis Main, and at either the Lewis Main or McChord Field Visitor Centers. Do not bring your weapon into either facility!
For residents of JBLM, weapons must be stored either in a Unit Arms Room or in family quarters. Firearms stored in family quarters will be stored in a locked container or secured with a trigger lock. Ammunition will be stored in a separate locked container.
• Washington State recently enacted laws prohibiting certain actions regarding assault weapons and firearms parts, including importation, selling and offering for sale.
• Before you ship, transport or hand carry privately-owned firearms or firearm parts into Washington State, review and/or seek legal advice on whether your weapon is prohibited under Washington State law. Washington State has a list of firearms and firearm parts that are specifically considered assault weapons and may be prohibited from being transported into Washington State, depending on your particular circumstances. A detailed information list can be found here.
• You can obtain legal advice from your outgoing Legal Assistance Office or civilian attorney at your own expense, before your PCS begins.
It is prohibited to transport weapons in a vehicle unless traveling to and from authorized hunting areas, recreational firing at an authorized location, or traveling to / from off-base locations.
When transporting weapons they must be stored in the vehicle's trunk. For vehicles without a trunk, the weapon must be in a container so it is not readily accessible to the driver or passengers. Weapons must be unloaded and ammunition must be stored separately from the weapon.
The registration form (HJB 816 or 816-1) must be readily available at all times while a weapon is on JBLM.
When entering JBLM vehicle occupants are required to declare the presence of any firearms located in the vehicle.
Concealed weapon permits are not valid on JBLM and concealed carry is strictly prohibited.
How to Register your Weapon
To register your firearm, please complete HJB Form 816 and turn it in at one of the registration locations below. An alternate means for active-duty service members to register their weapon is to email the completed form. The form must be sent from a goverment computer and encrypted due to PII.
- Click here for weapon registration form HJB 816 (for Military Personnel) (PDF Version)
- Click here for weapon registration form HJB 816-1 (DOD Civilians, Military Retirees, and Non-Affiliated Civilians) (PDF Version)
*Note: Military personnel registering weapons require their commander’s signature on the HJB 816.
Weapons registration takes approximately three to five duty days and will be mailed to the address on the HJB 816.
Weapons Registration Locations and Hours of Operation
Waller Hall, Building 2140, Liggett Ave. and N. 10th St.
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays
Phone: 253-967-1914; Fax: 253-966-6890
Lewis Main Visitor Control Center off Exit 120, adjacent to Liberty Gate
Hours of Operation: 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily
Phone: 253-966-8140 or 253-967-4794
McChord Field Visitor Control Center, adjacent McChord Field Main Gate
Hours of Operation: 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily
Phone: 253-982-2119 or 253-982-2347; Fax: 253-982-6691