Under AR 930-4, Army Emergency Relief provides EMERGENCY financial assistance in the form of a non-interest bearing loan, grant, or a combination of the two.
We are located on Fort Buchanan in the ACS.

Please bring the following for your visit:
Military ID Card
Leave and Earnings Statement
Leave/PCS Orders
Substantiating Documents (e.g. Car repair estimate, rental agreement, utility bill)
Refer to the areas of assistance below for the required forms
Areas of Assistance
- Rent, Utilities, Telephone
- Foreclosure
- Vehicle Repair
- Vehicle Insurance or Deductible
- Vehicle Payment or Repossession
- Assistance for Survivors
- Assistance for Retirees
- Commander's Referral Program
Required Forms
Who Does AER Assist?
- Soldiers on extended active duty and their dependents.
- Members of the Reserve Components of the Army (Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve) on continuous active duty for more than 30 days and their dependents. (This applies to soldiers on AD for training (ADT) or serving under various sections of title 10, United States Code).
- Soldiers retired from active duty because of longevity or physical disability, or retired upon reaching age 60 (Reserve Components) and their dependents.
- Widows/Widowers and orphans of soldiers who died while on active duty or after they retired.
AER cannot assist with:
- Help pay for non-essentials.
- Finance ordinary leave or vacation.
- Pay fines or legal expenses.
- Help liquidate or consolidate debt.
- Assist with house purchase or home improvements.
- Help purchase, rent, or lease a vehicle.
- Cover bad checks.
- Pay credit card bills.
- Funds to replace those overdrawn from bank account.
Spousal Assistance
- Spouses may receive financial assistance; however, they must be geographically separated and possess a Power of Attorney, Military ID card and provide substantiating documents (eg. car repair estimate, rental agreement, utility bill).
What kind of assistance is given?
- Assistance may be provided in the form of a non-interest bearing loan, a grant (an outright gift of funds) if repayment of loan will cause undue hardship or a combination of the two. Should a loan be given, it will be prorated from the Soldier’s military pay. It is always best to discuss the payment plan with an AER representative.
Is there a dollar limit on AER assistance?
- No. AER assistance will meet your emergency need.
Where does AER receive its funding?
- Voluntary contributions from active and retired soldiers.
- Repayment of AER interest-free loans.
- Income from investments.
- Unsolicited contributions.