As part of the garrison commander's executive staff, the Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) provides holistic management analysis to the Fort Buchanan installation. PAIO focuses on innovative enterprise-level solutions for strategic planning, continuous process improvements, and performance management to provide leaders with decision support, optimization of resources, and realization of efficiencies.
Installation Status Report (ISR)
The ISR is an important management decision support tool used to assist Army leadership in making informed and responsible decisions required to sustain and/or improve installation facilities, operational capacities, and support services. The ISR assesses the condition of installation infrastructure, mission capacity, and support services, using established Army-wide standards and data provided on a regular basis from Army installations, Commands, Headquarters/ Department of the Army (HQDA) and other sources.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning provides a three-to-five-year management tool that aids in the alignment of resources to valid installation requirements and/or initiatives and moves the garrison toward mission and goal achievement. Action on development execution, and monitoring is a necessary and critical element of achieving established goals and objectives. The underlying strategic planning processes are a key component of the Garrison Commander’s ability to effectively synchronize and integrate installation activities in support of Senior Commander mission requirements.
- The Installation Planning Board (IPB) is held, at minimum, annually and provides installation leaders and stakeholders with a clear and common operating picture of current and future installation requirements and current and projected resources.
- A primary output of the IPB is the Integrated Priority List (IPL). The strategic plan and supporting action plans, along with the IPL, ensure that installation resources and efforts are applied against missing requirements, established goals and objectives, and the Senior Commander’s enduring priorities.
Provide overall integration, planning, monitoring, and coordination of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) actions, transformation initiatives, and/or stationing actions. This includes both in the Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) actions as well as inter-and intra-installation movements of units and organizations. It also provides the Senior and Garrison Commanders with the tools and data necessary to effectively capture requirements and cost; and then monitor and report unit movements as necessary and directed.
·Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP) is the official Army database of populations on Army Installations worldwide. It is based on the official Army force structure documented in Structure and Manpower Allocation System (SAMAS), Defense Readiness Reporting System - Army (DRRS–A), Force Management System WEB (FMSWEB), Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS), and other auditable Army management systems. The ASIP is a baseline for Installation planning that provides a consistent look at forces to be supported and provides visibility of potential planning issues.
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)
Manages and facilitates the Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) system and other locally generated products and/or initiatives. Effective program management entails using available systems to capture, store, and analyze Voice of the Customer feedback to identify positive and negative trends, drive continuous improvement, identify best practices, and make service delivery adjustment/change recommendations to most effectively and efficiently meet the needs of the customers.
Service Culture Campaign (SCC)
United States Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Service Culture Campaign represents our philosophy on how we treat, take care of, and interact with those we support and each other. The SCC is how we execute and apply that philosophy. It’s a People-first approach that should positively inform and influence every interaction we have as IMCOM professionals every day.