Videos on YouTube
Visit this link for comprehensive videos developed at Fort Stewart for the entire IEW community.
Videos on MilTube
COVID-19 forced the military to reallocate bandwidth. Blocking YouTube from the NIPRNET took pressure off the Virtual Private Networks that allow many employees to work from home. We are copying our YouTube collection to MilTube, a CAC-enabled service still available on NIPR. Find the latest at
Latest / Most Requested
MilTube videos require an authorized login (CAC). MS Edge or Internet Explorer required.
YouTube (Public) | MilTube (NIPR)
Whale Owl Carousel
YouTube (Public) | MilTube (NIPR)
Permissions (pt. 1)
Permissions (pt. 2)
YouTube (Public) | MilTube (NIPR)
Online Newspaper
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3