
It's time to get your phonebook/directory pages in order. phonebook.jpg

Too many websites still use the original "Phone Alpha" directory.  All garrisons should have transitioned to the Express-based phone directory by now.  If information in your Express objects is up-to-date, replacing it with the new phonebook is simple. If you don't understand, call HQ PAO. There are at least three of us who can guide you through the transition. 

Also, take the time to review the information in your Express objects. 

This is a big deal for two reasons. First, the My Army Post App, the successor to Digital Garrison, will copy all the information from your phonebook into its CMS. But it will only copy once. MAPA will not connect with IEW the way DG does for a while. Whatever is picked up by MAPA will be used; and if it is wrong, you will have to manually correct the record. Better to make the correction in IEW.

Second, IEW will be combining with into one huge website network. Much of that network will be "powered" by Express and rely on the information in your directory.

If you are waiting for guidance from headquarters before taking action, this is it. 

Do it. 

We now return to your previously scheduled dad joke. .... or not. 


How to do it:

  1. Navigate to your phone directory or phonebook page. ​

  2. Enter edit mode. We recommend adding the new directory before deleting the old one. ​

  3. Click “Add Content”​

  4. Under blocks, find “Express”. Add “Express List."​

  5. Drag and drop the express list to the top of the phonebook page (below the page header).​

  6. In the dropdown “Entity," select "Organization."​

  7. Click Save. The unformatted list will appear.​

  8. Click on the list​.

  9. Select Design and Block Template​.

  10. In the dropdown in the center, select "Collapsed Entry."​

  11. Click "Save" in the toolbar​.

  12. Click "Add Content" at the top of the page​.

  13. In Blocks, scroll to the "Other" group. Select the "Phone Directory Search" block. Place it above the "Express List" block.​

  14. Exit Edit Mode and publish the page.​

  15. Return to edit mode and delete the remains of Phone Alpha.