TSOTTC-04 for blog.jpg

Just around the corner:



We are upgrading IEW from Concrete5 8.3.2 to Concrete5 8.5.1 over the next two weeks. We are also updating our Apache and MySQL versions, in case you were wondering.

Click here for a list of upgrades.

The plan is to do the updates in phases. We'll let you know at least a day in advance of the shift, in case you would like to save a local copy of your site (AAG keeps both daily and weekly backups).



Yes, it's real and yes, it will work as described. Shelby is putting the finishing touches and catching the last typos on the system. It will feature both browse and search, and include a rewritten Service Data Box that will feed off the same database -- meaning there will be no descrepancy between the directory and the pages. Distribution begins in two weeks.


Issue Manager

Also soon to be released, the Issue Manager will track the problems we're working on and allow you to add and comment on issues. I am working out a couple of bugs and will be calling for test subjects soon.


News pages

News pages are available and ready to add.



Watch for an announcement: Workshops on how to use the News pages and Phonebook will take place in June.