The U.S. Army Installation Management Command is one of the many success stories of Army transformation. In an effort to standardize its garrisons, the Army created the Installation Management Agency in October 2002. Using an enterprise approach, IMA removed the burden of base support from 15 major commands. This brought uniformity to the facilities and services of 184 installations worldwide. In 2006, the Army accomplished its installation management mission for $4.5 billion less than it cost in 2003.
After such proven success, the Army transformed the agency into the U.S. Army Installation Management Command. The commanding general of the organization was also the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management for the Army.
In October 2006, the U.S. Army Environmental Command joined IMCOM as a subordinate command. Today, as it has for over 45 years, USAEC provides the knowledge, tools and programs supporting ready and resilient Soldiers, installations and commands by balancing military training with sound environmental practices. Also in October 2006, the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command was established with the stand-up of IMCOM.
In June 2011, FMWRC became the G-9 directorate of IMCOM, and the commanding general of FMWRC became the IMCOM deputy commanding general for operations. This integration makes Army garrisons the platforms of readiness and resilience for Soldiers, Families and Civilians they are today.
The Base Realignment and Closure Act of 2005 directed consolidation of all IMCOM Headquarters elements from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and Alexandria and Crystal City, Virginia, into one campus at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where it is located today. Members of the headquarters orchestrate the actions of 76,000 IMCOM professionals around the globe who build Army readiness on our installations.
Recognizing the complexity and importance of the IMCOM mission, the Secretary of the Army made the decision in the fall of 2015 to separate the positions of the ACSIM (now DCS, G-9) and IMCOM commanding general, and IMCOM became an independent command reporting directly to the Chief of Staff of the Army. Within a year, IMCOM transformed its two CONUS regions from geographic to functional alignment and co-located them with their supported Army Commands, building on the integral relationship IMCOM OCONUS Directorates share with their supported Army Service Component Commands in Europe and the Pacific.
As part of the Army Installation Management Reform Initiative, in January 2019 the Secretary of the Army made the decision to realign IMCOM to Army Material Command as a Major Subordinate Command with an effective date of 1 March 2019. This move improved how the Army integrates and delivers base support, services and facilities to enhance readiness and the well-being of Soldiers, Families and Civilians.