What role?

First, determine what role the new user will have on your team.

Garrison Web Manager:

Chief point of contact for the IMCOM Enterprise Web at the garrison. When the garrison is responsible for something, this is the first person on the call list. Otherwise, the person is a Site Manager.

Site Manager:

A member of the website team at the installation, with authority and permission to edit any item on the garrison site. 

Page Manager:

A person designated to manage a subsection of the garrison site, such as a directorate, tenant or senior command site. The Page Manager has publishing privileges within his or her subsite.

Page Contributor:

A person designated to work on, perhaps manage, a subsection of the garrison site. The Page Contributor can add and remove pages within the section but CANNOT publish.

Text Contributor (formerly Text Editor):

Appointed to manage a single block or limited copy on a page. Must be supervised/reviewed by a Site or Page Manager who takes full responsibility for the content posted by this individual. The Text Contributor CANNOT publish. 


Training requirements

Operations Security (OPSEC):

Garrison Web Managers, Site Managers and Page Managers may be qualified in one of three ways:

1. PREFERRED: Army Operations Security (OPSEC) Level II qualification. Send a copy of the certificate of completion for the three-day in-person course.

2. Proof of experience as a qualified Army Public Affairs professional. This includes military holding a 46A (Public Affairs Officer) career designation or 46Z (senior public affairs NCO) military occupational specialty, or another service's equivalent; and civilians GS-1035-10+ or GS-1082-10+ with endorsement of the garrison or command PAO. 

3.  Two courses from the Director of National Security National Counterintelligence and Security Center (https://www.dni.gov/index.php/ncsc-what-we-do/operations-security).  These are scheduled, online classes taught via MS Teams. The first, OPSE-1500, Operations Security and Public Release Decisions, is required. Then you may choose one of the other three: OPSE-2380, OPSEC Analysis, OPSE-2390, OPSEC Program Management, or OPSE-3500, OPSEC and the Internet.  Simply, OPSE-1500 and one of OPSE-2380 or OPSE-2390 or OPSE-3500 will qualify. 

Page Contributors may either:

1. Take the OPSE-1500 course above, or

2.  Or take these two courses: DoD Mandatory Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Training (​​https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/cui/index.htm ) and OPSEC Awareness for Military Members, DOD Employees and Contractors (https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/opsec/index.htm).

3. Supply certificates for OPSE-1301, OPSEC Fundamentals. DNI seems to have taken down this course, but if you have attended we still accept it. A self-paced, web-based module, OPSE 1301 is available through DNI at https://www.iad.gov/ioss/opsecF/fundamentals/main.html

Text Contributors supply a copy of their annual Cybersecurity Challenge certificates, and the name of their responsible Page or Site manager (there is a space on the DD 2875 for the responsible manager' name). 

Personally Identifying Information (PII)

All members are expected to have received at least one hour of PII training in the past year. Applications must include a certificate to that effect.  The annual training required for all IMCOM employees is sufficient. An acceptable alternative is available at this link. 

Cybersecurity Challenge

Everyone who uses an Army network is required to take the annual Cybersecurity Challenge training. The DD Form 2875 requires it. Include an up-to-date certificate with your application.

IEW-Specific training:

IEW training is delivered primarily as online, self-paced instruction using .pdf tutorials and video. Users are responsible to be familiar with the contents of the SOP/Tutorials posted on Webmaster One. Live 101 and 201 workshops are offered several times a year. New Garrison Web Managers and Site Managers are encouraged to schedule one-on-one training with the IMCOM PAO as necessary.

Garrisons may schedule training for Page Managers, Page Contributors and Text Contributors using HQ or garrison materials.

Applying for an account:

Fill out the DD Form 2875 with IEW overlay.  The "overlay" includes instructions and specific content for IEW. It serves as both System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) and additional Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement.

Put training certificates and the 2875 in a single email and send them to your Garrison Web Manager. Garrison Web Managers will forward materials directly to IEW at IMCOM headquarters. Without an endorsement (forward) from the garrison web manager, the user will not receive an account.

Departing the team

When you no longer need access, please email your Garrison Web Manager and IMCOM HQ.