We will provide excellent service.
We will continually strive to "Wow" our customers with the quality and
timeliness of our services in a pleasant and friendly manner.
We will provide honest and straightforward communications. We will provide a genuine and consistent service each and every day.
We will continually strive to be the best. Every opportunity, every action, every time.
We will provide service in a timely manner. You will be promptly informed of any actions that delay completion of work or other action.
We will practice teamwork.
Together, we will continually search for opportunities to provide an
array of services and amenities that will make you feel great about
calling this home.
We value our residents. We will treat everyone with integrity, respect and professionalism.
We welcome feedback and suggestions.
We will encourage and consider ideas that will aid us in achieving our
goal of continuous improvement and excellent customer service.
Residents' Bill of Rights
The U.S. Army Installation Management Command and the commercial
partners providing housing through the Residential Communities
initiative (RCI) agreed in August 2010 on updated procedures at 44
housing facilities in the United States. The agreement standardizes
waiting list procedures and provides for a "Residents Bill of Rights" in
an effort to guarantee superior customer service. Army leaders made the
changes as part of the Army Family Action Plan, following suggestions
from Soldiers and families to make such procedures easier and more