To train Soldiers in air assault operations, sling-load operations, and rappelling. Upon graduation of the course, each Soldier will be able to perform skills required to make maximum use of helicopter assets in training and in combat to support their unit operations.
Course Scope:
Soldiers are trained on the missions performed by rotary-wing aircraft, aircraft safety, aero-medical evacuation procedures, pathfinder operations, principles and techniques of combat assaults, rappelling techniques, and sling-load operations. The core POI requires minimum support assets and is adaptable to organic aviation elements. Both the core instruction and the additional instruction are conducted in a classroom / field environment.
Required documents:
Personnel Data Sheet
MTG 100
Medical Release
AAC Welcome Packet
Course Times & Location:
Location: Bldg. 3897, Netherly Street
Courtesy Layout - first day on Course Calendar - 1000
Day Zero - 0700
Phase 1 Insert - Day 0 - 1300
Phase 2 Insert - Day 2 - 1100
Phase 3 Insert - Day 5 - 0900
Graduation - Day 10 - 1000*
*0800 if DONSA
Study Guides: