Army Community Service (ACS) offers resources for Soldiers, Families, Reservists, retirees, and DoD civilians. The programs offered within are designed to enhance quality of life, promote resilience and self-reliance, and provide stability during war and peace. ACS offers a place to find the type of support needed for the enhancement of both individuals and Families.
Army Emergency Relief (AER)
Army Emergency Relief offers emergency financial assistance to eligible recipients in the form of an interest-free loan, grant, or combination of the two. AER's Education Program is a secondary mission to help Army Families with the costs of education.
(315) 772-6560
National website: www.aerhq.org ⚠
⚠ = Link to a nongovernmental site. IMCOM is not responsible for the content of links outside of home.army.mil.
Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)
Army Family Action Plan is a year-round program dedicated to improving the quality of life for all members of the military community.
(315) 772-2271
Army Family Team Building (AFTB)
Army Family Team Building is about readiness - for both the mission and the Family. AFTB is about adapting to Army life. We teach and train America’s Army and their Families in a wide variety of knowledge, skills and behaviors that foster readiness.
(315) 772-2271
Army Volunteer Corps (AVC)
The Army Volunteer Corps seeks innovative ideas and processes to improve the quality of life at Fort Drum through the use of volunteer agencies. We offer quality volunteer work experiences in environments where volunteers are appreciated and valued.
(315) 772-2899
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
The Exceptional Family Member Program helps to provide support and the required care for Family Members with disabilities and special needs.
(315) 772-5476
Financial Readiness Program (FRP)
Financial Readiness Program provides comprehensive educational and counseling related to personal money matters.
(315) 772-5196
Information & Referral (I&R)
Information and Referral is your source for an array of on- and off-post information designed to assist Soldiers, Families, civilians and retirees in meeting their basic needs and improving their quality of life.
(315) 772-6799 or 1-800-826-0886
Mobilization and Deployment Program (Mob/Dep)
Mobilization and Deployment provides professional and timely support to active-duty, Reserve and National Guard Soldiers and their Family Members to enhance mission preparedness and self-reliance throughout the deployment cycle.
(315) 772-2848
Outreach Services
Outreach Services brings information into the community to promote Soldier and Family well-being and quality of life.
(315) 772-5374
Relocation Readiness Program (RRP)
The Relocation Readiness Program is a comprehensive program designed to help Families in the relocation process, with a goal to make the permanent-change-of-station move a smooth transition.
(315) 772-6566
Survivor Outreach Services
Survivor Outreach Services offers access to support, information, and services to the Families of our fallen Soldiers.
(315) 772-6357
Army Community Service (ACS)
(315) 772-ACS1 (2271)
Fort Drum, NY
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday