Picture2.pngThis statue is located in front of the Soldier's Chapel on Desert Storm Avenue. The life size sculpture is made of concrete over reinforced metal. It depicts a soldier in combat gear keeling down, holding a gun in his right hand, a helmet in his left, and and knapsack across his back. His posture is one of deference or prayer.

The Soldier's Memorial is the work of Enoch Tanner Wickham (1833-1970), a local sculptor recognized as a significant American folk artist. Wickham created about forty statutes between 1952 and 1970, when he died at the age of 87. Although his statues bare the marks of an untrained artist, they are nonetheless imposing and recognizable for the artist's individualistic style and use of materials. The sculpture is considered eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion B because of it association with a recognized folk artist and under Criterion C as a representative of Wickham's style and use of materials. The full eligibility evaluation can be viewed here

Soldier's Memorial Location