In response to the imminent entrance of the United States into WWII, the Department of Defense realized the necessity for more military training areas. One such area was the 105,000 acres that is now Fort Campbell. In 1941, the land was already home to many small communities, farms, and businesses. Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Native Americans lived and hunted here as early as 12,000 years ago.

As a result of this rich history, Fort Campbell is home to a wide variety of cultural resources. More than 1,500 known historic and prehistoric archaeological sites are located throughout the installation. Additionally, there are four historic buildings that pre-date Fort Campbell; as well as World War II, Korean, and Cold War structures. Fort Campbell has a single historic District, an ex-nuclear component storage area known as Clarksville Base. Additionally, there are two National Register-eligible historic objects as well as 131 known historic cemeteries. 

The Cultural Resources Management Program (CRMP) is responsible for identifying and protecting these architectural resources and archaeological sites while sustaining the Army’s mission. Additionally, the program provides training to military members and civilians by presenting information about Fort Campbell’s cultural resources and how to avoid impacting them. The program participates in several public outreach events throughout the year as well as coordinates cemetery visits to descendants.

It is important to remember that there are laws and regulations that protect cultural resources on federally owned property. It is a punishable crime to sell, purchase, damage, alter, or deface an archaeological resource, or attempt to do so. No one is allowed to collect arrow heads, "relic hunt", or use metal detectors anywhere on Fort Campbell property as the removal of artifacts damages the integrity of an archaeological site and may destroy important historical information. Please report the inadvertent discovery of archaeological materials or human remains to the CRMP.
