The Plans and Operations Division is the heart for the synchronization of current & future operations, emergency planning activities, force modernization, operational planning, and the Antiterrorism Program.  Serves as the tasking agent for the Garrison Commander while maintaining situational awareness across the entire installation and area of responsibility. Provides technical expertise and leadership to ensure quality, timely and accurate collection and reporting to higher, adjacent and subordinate headquarters using classified and unclassified systems. Receive, analyze, recommend and disseminate timely and appropriate resources to internal and external requests for manpower, equipment and or services. The Installation Operations Center (IOC) ensures the installation maintains 24/7 capability as required for situational awareness (SA) and Common Operating Picture (COP) of critical information and events, allowing the Garrison  the ability to make informed and timely decisions.

The  IOC hours of operations are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a on-call staff member available 24/7.

The Installation Operations Center will be activated as needed to ensure the Garrison Commander can make informed and timely decisions. With the capability to expand operations as required to execute Antiterrorism / Force Protection and All Hazards Response Plan Contingency Operations (real world or exercise).

Core Competencies
  • EM/Protection Program - Incident planning, prepare for, prevent, mitigate the potential effects of, respond to & recover from emergencies.  Conduct Emergency Management/Protection Training and Exercises, Full Scale, Functional, Tabletop, etc.
  • Current Operations - Coordinate and synchronize day to day and future operations for the Garrison and to maintain situational awareness for the entire installation, i.e., Recurrent Events, SIR, and CCIR).
  • Operational Planning - Synchronize and integrate Garrison operations to support OPLANS, OPORDS & Taskers
  • Force Modernization - Coordinate Installation support for Army transformation, and equipment modernization actions
  • On Order, execute Mobilization and Deployment Support - Prepare to execute critical support to mobilization operations

Reservations are on a first come first served basis. Contact the IOC at (787) 707-3380, during duty hours.

  • Unclassified VTC
  • DPTMS Conference Room
  • IOC Conference Room


Operations Telephone Listing
Position   Telephone
Chief Operations   (787)-707-3413
OPSEC   (787)-707-3275
IOC   (787)-707-3380