Welcome to the Fort Leonard Wood Directorate of Human Resources. Here you will find information to assist you, the Soldier, or family member on policies regarding personnel management. The directory below will assist you as you navigate through our site.
Our Mission is to provide the Fort Leonard Wood Community with the full spectrum of Military Human Resources and Personnel Services Support.
Our cornerstone is customer service. The customer is first and Soldiers are our business so we are dedicated to providing the best. We are the Army's premier Military Human Resources Directorate that provides state of the art personnel services and support to Soldiers, leaders, family members, retirees...and a civic partner committed in providing excellent customer service.
The following divisions are within the Directorate of Human Resources
Administrative Services: (573) 596.5242
Administrative Services
Provide management and oversight for Fort Leonard Wood's Records Management (ARIMS), Official Mail and Distribution, Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, and Publishing Management Programs.
Education Services (Truman Education Center): (573) 596.0172
Provide adult and higher learning services to Service Members, eligible Family Members, Department of the Army Civilians, Veterans and Retirees. Our team of professional educators are standing by to provide our most valued customers the highest quality of programs and services. Customers are assured they will receive the most current and up-to-date information and assistance with professional development programs, resident college and university courses, education advising, Army Personnel Testing (APT) services, proctored exams, credit by exams and basic skills classes.
The Truman Army Education and Personnel Testing Center - College and University Center is located in Building 499 (4904 Constitution Avenue).
Hours of Operation
• Education Advising: Monday - Thursday, 0730 - 1630 and Friday, 0730 - 1600
• Army Personnel Testing (APT): Monday - Thursday, 0730 - 1630 and Friday, 0730 - 1600 (By Appointment Only)
• Advising and APT services are closed every 1st Wednesday of each month.
• Basic Education Skills Program (BSEP) Classes: Contact front desk for class schedules and registration instructions.
• Computer Lab: Monday - Thursday, 0730 - 2200 and Friday, 0730 - 1600
• Front Desk: (573) 596-0172
Resident Colleges and Universities
• Monday - Thursday, 0830 - 1630 and Friday, 0730 - 1430
Transition Assistance Program: (573) 596.0175
Link to Transition Assistance Program page
Military Personnel Division: (573) 596.4429
Military Personnel Division
We Provide the Fort Leonard Wood Community with the Full Spectrum of Military Human Resources and Personnel Services Support
Casualty Assistance: (573) 596.0134
Click here for the Casualty Assistance page
For emergencies outside normal duty hours/holidays: 1-800-350-7746
In and Out Processing: (573) 596.8118
Provide the Fort Leonard Wood Community with the full spectrum of military human resources and personnel support.
ID Cards/DEERS Facility: (573) 596.0744
To schedule appointments: DEERS/RAPIDS
Determine the eligibility and issue identification cards and maintain/update information in the DEERS database. Provide professional, quality customer service to all Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, Civilian and Contract Employees.
*NOTE: All Soldiers must be within military standards for their respective services for issuance of an ID in civilian clothing, NO EXCEPTIONS. Soldiers with a shaving profile must have a copy of the profile with them.
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP): (573) 596.0938
To reach the ASAP team our phone number is 573-596-0938, for the Employee Assistance Program 573-596-7199, Drug Testing 573-596-7683
Retirement Services: (573) 596.0947
Provides assistance to eligible active duty, Retired Soldiers, spouses, dependents, widows, widowers, former spouses, and veterans in solving personal affairs concerning benefits, entitlements, and privileges resulting from their military service. Assists active duty Soldiers requesting retirement and conducts Survivor Benefit Counseling to retiring Soldiers. Assists with transition from active duty to retirement- and assists Retired Soldiers with changes dealing with retirement pay operations.
Congressional Liaison: (573) 596-0741
Mobilization/Demobilization: (573) 596-3514/2201/1036
Transition Center (Student/Trainees): (573) 596.2398/2467/2200
Provide complete personnel services support to all Initial Entry Level (IET) Soldiers in Basic Combat Training (BCT), Advanced Individual Training (AIT) and One Station Unit Training (OSUT), and Officers in a student status at the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. Support applies to Active Army (RA), US Army Reserve (USAR), and Army National Guard (ARNG) enlisted personnel who are assigned or attached to Fort Leonard Wood.
* Use dropdown to get more information and a link to the division page *