Our mission: To deliver Logistics, Sustainment and Materiel Readiness from the Installation to the Forward Tactical Edge to Ensure Globally Dominant Land Force Capabilities. We provide transportation, maintenance and supply services, aligning them in support of AMC’s core competencies, to deliver and synchronize enterprise sustainment of Army and Joint forces, enabling forces training and deployment in support of the Senior Mission Commander here at Fort Leonard Wood.

Logistics Readiness Center Divisions

To provide LRC planning and operational support for LRC mission requirements in support of Installation Activities and our AR 5-9 area of responsibility.
Supply and Services mission is to provide installation supply and services to all units and activities assigned to Fort Leonard Wood.
Maintenance Division provides Field and limited Sustainment level maintenance in support of Base Operations Equipment (Garrison equipment) and FORSCOM Pass-back maintenance.
The Installation Transportation Office (ITO) operates the Transportation Motor Pool (TMP), Freight Operations, Unit Movement Operations, Personal Property, Passenger Travel Office, and Quality Control.