Mission statement:
To ensure procedures are in place, maintain capability, to ensure accuracy of casualty information, certify the validity of casualty information, and to ensure that required casualty information is reported within time constraints. The Casualty Assistance Center is here to provide casualty assistance to the next of kin of deceased Active Army Soldiers and Retired Army Service Members during the period immediately following a casualty and to eliminate delays in settling claims and payment of survivor benefits. To conduct Military Funeral Honors at the funeral/interment services of Active Duty, Retired, and Veteran Soldiers of the U.S. Army. To ensure proper processing of Line of Duty Investigations (LOD) protecting the interest of both the individual Soldier and the U.S. Government where service is interrupted by injury, disease, or death.
Our office will provide assistance to the family of Active Duty Soldiers and provide individual casualty reporting and recording to include notification to the primary and secondary next of kin in a timely manner. If the deceased is a Retired Army Service Member, our office will report to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service for stoppage of retirement pay and initiation of the survivor benefits process.
For Casualty Notification and Assistance Training please contact the CAC Trainer at (573) 596-0134 or (800) 350-7746 to confirm building, room location, and dates.
When reporting the death of an Army Active Duty Service Member, Army Active Duty Service Member Dependent, Army Retired Service Member, or any Veteran who previously served honorably in the Army. Please provide the following information to better assist.
- Full name
- Social security number
- Rank
- Unit (active duty only)
- Circumstances surrounding the death
- Next of Kin (NOK) information
Military Funeral Honors for deceased Army Active Duty Soldiers, Retired Army Service Members, and Army Veterans may be requested at the above numbers. When requesting funeral honors for Retired Army Service Members and Army Veterans; Requester must supply proof of military service (DD Form 214) and give a minimum of 48 hours’ notice.