

The Reassignments Branch provides services in the following areas: Enlisted / Officer Reassignments, Promotions, Deletions and Deferments and Drill Sergeant (DS) Management. We act as liaison between Human Resources Command (HRC) and installation units by addressing ongoing eMILPO and human resources issues/concerns, and providing feedback to the installation with technical and functional support.

Areas of Responsibility

Areas of Responsibility

1. Officer & Enlisted Reassignment Processing


Officer assignments (Request for Orders (RFO)) are downloaded daily via Assignment Interactive Module 2 (AIM 2). Notification of assignment is sent to Brigade S-1 electronically.

Officers with overseas assignments, Officer Candidate School (OCS) and Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) candidates are given an electronic levy brief within 30 days of the RFO. Officers that are PCSing CONUS/OCONUS will receive orders not earlier than 120 days of your assignment reporting date provided they meet all necessary requirements. However, there may be some exceptions.


Our mission is to provide notification, information and guidance to allow a smooth, trouble-free transition from Fort Jackson to the next duty station.

Assignment notifications for both Officer and Enlisted Soldiers will come from the Reassignment Section via email (with the Fort Jackson Reassignment Notification Briefing attached). You will be assigned a Human Resources Assistant (HRA) whose name is annotated with email address and phone number in Block 35 of the DA Form 5118, at the time of notification. Once you have been notified of your assignment, complete the documents provided for you in the hyperlinks of the briefing, and forward the completed forms to your battalion or brigade S-1 within seven working days. Your battalion or brigade S-1 will submit your completed forms to your HRA. Your HRA will be your main point of contact for information. Upon receipt of all signed forms and required steps, your HRA will provide your orders electronically not earlier than 120 days of your assignment reporting date. However, there may be some exceptions. Please note that if you are unable to view the forms of the briefing through the hyperlinks, please use to download your forms (PDF fillable), and send to your assigned HRA.

Deletion, Deferment and Early Arrival requests must be submitted within 30 days of the date a Soldier comes on assignment. Required documents are: DA Form 4187, Soldier Record Brief (SRB) and supporting documents, if any.

Compassionate Deletion/Deferment requests must be submitted 45 days of assignment instructions or within 72 hours after occurrence. The request must be based solely on family considerations. Required documents are: DA Form 4187DA Form 3739-Application for Compassionate Actions, SRB and any additional supporting documentation.

For more information on deletion, deferment, early arrival or compassionate requests, see MILPER Message 05-159.



PCS assignments with TDY in conjunction with PCS require a separate DD Form 1610. The Brigade S-3/Post Schools process the TDY order if the Soldier elects TDY and return. The Reassignment Section will process the DD Form 1610 if the Soldier elects TDY enroute. The DD form 1610 is processed approximately 45 days prior to the report date of training. Required documents for processing the DD Form 1610 are: DA Form 31, current Height and Weight Statement and TDY Option statement (if applicable).



TCS orders are published within 30 days of the will proceed date of the tasking request.


TCS orders for other than permanent party Soldiers are published within 72 hours of receipt of request.

2. Command Sponsorship Application

After Soldier receives notification of overseas assignment the following forms are completed during the Reassignment briefing: DA Form 5888-Family Member Deployment Screening sheet, DA Form 4787-Reassignment Processing and an updated DD Form 93-Record of Emergency Data which is utilized to verify family member information.

The DA Form 5888 is verified and forwarded to the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Coordinator at Moncrief Army Hospital to initiate the screening process.

Upon screening if there are no EFMP family members, DA Form 5888 and DA Form 4787 are forwarded to the gaining command requesting command sponsorship/family travel. If family members are enrolled in EFMP, DA Form 5888, DA Form 4787 and all supporting documents are sent electronically (within 3 working days) of receipt from Moncrief Army Hospital to the gaining command for approval. Upon a final command sponsorship/family travel decision orders will be published.

3.  Officer & Enlisted Reassignments Management


Officer gains are downloaded weekly from TOPMIS II. Brigade assignments for officers are determined 180 days prior to report date and a copy of their Officer Record Brief (ORB) is forwarded to the projected brigade S-1 Adjutant. Assignments are based on current installation Reassignments by brigade, grade and specialty.

Enlisted gains are downloaded weekly from the Enlisted Distribution Assignment System. Brigade assignments for enlisted Soldiers are determined 120 days prior to report date. Assignments are based on current installation Reassignments by brigade, Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and grade. Gains rosters are provided to the brigades the first week of every month.

4.  Personnel Actions


The Reassignments Branch processes a variety of personnel actions for Permanent Party Personnel assigned to Fort Jackson. Below is a listing of the most frequent personnel actions processed on Soldiers:

Ø  1SG Stabilizations

Ø  High School Senior Stabilizations

Ø  MOS orders awarding Special Qualification Identifier (SQI) and Additional Skill Identifier (ASI)


Upon receipt of the personnel action and provided the Soldier meets all requirements the request will be endorsed, scanned and sent via email to Human Resources Command.

5.  Officer & Enlisted Promotions

Officer Promotions


The Reassignments Branch processes officer promotions monthly. The official By Name List from Human Resources Command (HRC) is posted on the HRC website between the 15th and 19th of the month. Approximately three to five days prior to the effective date orders and promotion certificates are distributed to the brigade S-1’s.






Enlisted Promotion


The Reassignments Branch processes a variety of promotion actions on Permanent Party Personnel assigned to Fort Jackson. Below is a listing and brief description of those actions:

Monthly C-10 reports –Reassignments Branch provides the Battalion Human Resources a copy of the C-10 roster no later than the 25th day of the month. Soldiers must initial by his/her name approving the points on the C-10. Company Commander will sign the C-10 which verifies that each Soldier is aware of their current promotion points that are on the C-10.

Automatic Integration List – Each month, Active Army SPCs and CPLs in all MOSs who have 46 months TIS (to become eligible for promotion at 48 months); 10 months TIG (to become eligible for promotion at 12 months) will be automatically integrated onto the promotion standing list if their promotion authority approves the by-name list that is provided. If the unit commander determines that the integration is to be denied, he/she will submit a memorandum to the promotion authority (O-5 or higher) to deny list integration prior to the 15th of the month. Failure to deny integration by the 15th of the month will result in the Soldier being integrated onto the promotion standing list. .

6. Drill Sergeant Management

The Drill Sergeant Manger provides support to all active Drill Sergeants and Drill Sergeant Candidates upon the installation. Administrative support is provided in: processing personnel actions such as, Removals, Appeals, Reinstatements, entry into the Drill Sergeant Program, Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP), Special Qualification Orders “X”, Drill Sergeant Extensions and Attachment Orders to the Drill Sergeant School. AR 614-200, chapter 8, para 8-17 is utilized when processing the above actions. In addition to, Fort Jackson Policy Memorandum 1-10, dated 8 September 2004 is a guide/timeline utilized when the above actions are being processed.

7. Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) and Special Duty Pay (SDAP)


Required documents for FLPB are: DA Form 4187, DA Form 330, Soldier Record Brief (SRB)/Officer Record Brief (ORB).

Required documents for SDAP (other than Drill Sergeants) are: DA Form 4187 and SRB/ORB. Both FLPP and SDAP are published within 48 to 72 hours of receipt provided Soldier is fully qualified to receive the SDAP.

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Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers

Work Center Supervisor  (803) 751-2487       DSN 734-2487

Reassignments Management  (803) 751-5423         DSN 734-5423

Drill Sergeant Management  (803) 751-7982  DSN 734-7982

Reassignments (803) 751-6273/6339/7104   DSN 734-6273/6339/7104

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