Mission Statement:
The Administrative Services Branch (ASB) is responsible for providing overall support and serving as the principle US Army Garrison (USAG), Fort Jackson advisor for records management and printing, publications, forms management and the official mail and distribution center.
Welcome to the Administrative Services Branch (ASB)
Privacy Training
Privacy Training- Test222713
Postal Clerk/Orderly Training
Sample FOIA Request Letter
Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
Phone Numbers:
- ASD/FOIA/PA/RM 803-751-5335
- Official Mail Manager 803-751-4585
- Army Records Information Management System 803-751-5335
- Creating Office Records Lists (ORLs) 803-751-5335
- Need an ORL approved 803-751-5335
- Need records from the Records Holding Area (RHA) 803-751-5335
- Need to place records into the RHA 803-751-5335
- Preparing a Privacy Act request 803-751-5335
- Preparing a Freedom of Information Act request 803-751-5335
Regulations, policies, and procedures governing ASD Functions
Records Management AR 25-400-2, The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS)
Freedom of Information AR 25-55, The Department of The Army Freedom Of Information Act Program
Privacy Act AR 340-21, The Army Privacy Program
Forms and Publication AR 25-30, THE ARMY PUBLISHING PROGRAM
Official Mail and Distribution Management DoD 4525.8-M, DoD Official Mail Manual AR 25-51, Official Mail and Distribution Management
Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act requests.