Mission: “Defending Those Who Defend America”

USATDS provides specified defense counsel services for Army personnel, whenever required by law or regulation and authorized by The Judge Advocate General (TJAG) or TJAG’s designee.


Trial Defense Service, OSJA

9990 Belvoir Road

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060


Monday through Friday:  0930 - 1530

Walk in clients permitted Tuesday and Thursday: 0930 to 11:30.  All other times by appointment only.

Contact Us:

Phone: 703-805-4383

Fax: 703-805-4413

Duties of USATDS:

Priority I:
1. Special and General Courts-Martial representation
2. Article 32, UCMJ, representation; and
3. Counseling of pretrial confinees.

Priority II:
1. Counseling IAW Article 31/Miranda/Tempia requirements
2. Counseling with regard to Summary Courts-Martial (SCM)
3. Formal Article 15, UCMJ, counseling;
4. Representation and counseling of officers recommended for elimination UP of AR 600-8-24
5. Counseling of officers desiring to submit a resignation in lieu of administrative elimination or Resignation for the Good of the Service Pending General Court-Martial
6. Representation and counseling of enlisted Soldiers recommended for involuntary separation UP of AR 635-200
7. Representation and counseling for reduction boards based on misconduct.