ECCC-RC Phase 2 (dL) is a Blackboard delivered course of instruction focusing on general engineering, environmental engineering, geospatial engineering, and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA). The General Engineering unit is the largest and consists of modules relating to project management and theater of operations reconnaissance and construction.  The Environmental unit provides students with the relevant knowledge to perform duties as an Environmental Officer.  The Geospatial unit exposes students to the fundamentals of Geospatial Engineering and Geospatial Intelligence. In the DSCA unit, students will learn the principles of supporting civil authorities in response to crisis scenarios.

Blackboard can be accessed at the following addresses:

After registering within ATRRS, students will self-enroll in the phase within Blackboard following these steps:

1. Log in to Blackboard.
2. Click the "All Courses" tab.
3. Click the "USAES" course catalog folder.
4. Search for the course with "ECCC".
5. Find your course and hover over it.
6. Click the arrow.
7. Click "Enroll".

This phase runs as one continuous course each fiscal year (FY).  This means students have until 30 September of the respective FY to be course complete, regardless of when they were enrolled.  If the student has not successfully completed the course prior to this time, they will be dropped, marked as a non-successful completion in ATRRS, and be required to register for the next FY course.  Because the course is updated each FY, no previous progress will be saved and any students who fail to successfully complete the course will be required to start from the beginning.

The course takes approximately 100 hours to complete.  Students are encouraged to begin early and make consistent progress weekly.

Tutoring is not provided during the course as cadre are also responsible for instruction, administration, and preparation of resident courses as well as the administration of the distributed learning course.  Specific questions however can be addressed as time permits and should be sent to the cadre via email.

TTPs for Success:          

       1.       Communicate with your supervisor to ensure you have adequate time to progress through the course.

       2.       Work with other students to study material.

       3.       Start early in the fiscal year to allow for maximum time to complete the course.