The US Army Engineer School implemented a redesigned ECCC-RC structure in FY21, starting with Phase 1 Class 003-21. This new course design was based on student feedback and guidance from TRADOC and senior leaders.

Course Structure

9-00-C23 (dL): Captains Career Common Core Course (Commonly referred to as Phase 0 and Mid-grade Learning Continuum (MLC) and administered by the Combined Arms Center through ALMS).

Phase 1 (Resident): Engineer Support to Defensive Operations, Company Level Operations

Phase 2 (dL): General, Geospatial, and Environmental Engineering

Phase 3 (Resident): Engineer Support to Offense Operations, Military Decision Making Process

Any student who attended ECCC-RC Phase 1 prior to Class 003-21 is required to complete Phase 3 no later than April 2023 to be PME complete. Any student who attended ECCC-RC Phase 1 and 2 prior to Class 003-21 and does not complete Phase 3 prior to April 2023 will need to recomplete Phase 1 and 2. 

You may need to use your browsers zoom function to see the chart clearly. 

course overview graphic.png.jpg