Directorate of Training and Leader Development


Mission Statement:

DOTLD trains, educates, and inspires Competent engineer Soldiers and leaders of Character by executing leader training, supporting doctrine development, and developing training strategies & products in order to provide full spectrum engineering capabilities for the Engineer Regiment and the Army.


The best in TRADOC at producing and integrating innovative, effective training and doctrine solutions that improve performance of engineer Soldiers, leaders and units by empowering our competent and committed team members and partnering across the Engineer Regiment and training enterprise.

Engineer Credentialing Information:

The Army COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) website helps Army Soldiers find information on certifications and licenses related to their Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs). COOL explains how Soldiers can meet civilian certification and license requirements and provides links to numerous resources to help get them started.


The Society of American Engineers (SAME) has an Engineering and Related Credentials Portal that provides military engineers with information on the most commonly recognized credentials in the Architectural/Engineering/Construction (A/E/C) industry. Link to portal:


United States Army Engineer School (USAES) Credentialing, Education, Certification, and Licensing (CECL) Program:

Phone Roster:

DIRECTOR COM: 573-563-4093
TECH DIRECTOR COM: 573-563-6295
CHIEF, ITD COM: 573-563-4112
CHIEF, CTD COM: 573-563-6237
CHIEF, TIO COM: 573-563-7643
CHIEF, DOI COM: 573-563-8194
OPERATIONS NCO COM: 573-563-3818