TPO-Geo Logo.jpgTPO-GEO



The TPO-GEO performs as the Army's centralized manager for coordination,
integration, and synchronization of all Army geospatial information, digital terrain data and geospatial service requirements for capability development, force development, training, experimentation, and modeling and simulation.
This incorporates the integration and interoperability of geospatial information and services for developing, testing, and fielding of Army systems supporting current and future forces.

*New ATP 3-34.80, Geospatial Engineering, Mar 2024
      Available on Army Publishing Directorate (APD) 

TPO GEO on milSuite

CAC Authentication Required

For geospatial related information, products, and resources related to the Army’s geospatial capabilities, look on milSuite at: 

Or on the Engineer Regiment’s Resource Menu at:


Maps and Geospatial Data and Information

Many different types of standard maps, charts, and geospatial products are available for download.  The attached document provides you with links to multiple sources.  Most require CAC Authentication.  Some require site registration and CAC authentication.