All Garrison Policies & Memos
- Alcohol Consumption, CPM 18
- Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use, CPM 15
- Alternate Dispute Resolution, CPM 7.1
- Air Conditioning, Appendix 1
- Anti-Harrassment, CPM 7
- Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board, CPM 42
- Awards, CPM 14
- Change of Command and Change Hand Receipt Holder Inventories, CPM 39
- Command Maintenance Discipline Program, CPM 32
- Command Supply Discipline Program, CPM 40
- Comp Time and Overtime Policy for Host Nation Employees. English | German, CPM 11
- EEO & Harassment Prevention, CPM 5
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Complaint Procedures, CPM 3
- Facility and Sports Field Usage, CPM 53
- Family Advocacy Program, CPM 51
- Hiring SOP, USAG Wiesbaden
- Housing Assignments & Wait List Management, CPM 79
- Non-Tactical Vehicle Official Use Guidelines, CPM 31
- Off-post Uniform Wear | Info Slide
- On-Post Private Organization Fundraising, CPM 13
- Open Door Policy, CPM 1
- Parking, CPM 41
- Pet Policy, CPM 77 (updated: March 4, 2024)
- Reasonable Accommodation, CPM 8
- Recurring Corporate Worship Service and Religious Education Programs, CPM 61
- Requests for Exception to Housing, CPM 78
- Resident Interior Enhancements, CPM 81
- Safety & Usage guidelines for Resident Provided Outdoor Recreation Equipment in AFH, CPM 80
- Seasonal and Holiday Decorations, CPM 82
- Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP), CPM 5
- Single Soldier Housing & Troop Billets, CPM 76
- Speeding, CPM 33
- Testing for Europe POV Certificate of License, CPM 34