Defense Visual Information Distribution Service

The USAG Wiesbaden DVIDS page contains the latest news and photos from garrison command information coverage and events. More information can be found on our Public Affairs Page.

Community Information

At the Commanders Installation Integration Sync, a forum hosted by the Garrison Commander, leaders come together to learn, integrate and synchronize garrison services in support of Mission Partner operations and requirements. The garrison’s goal is to ensure Mission Partners have uninterrupted mission command. The CI2S is held bi-monthly and includes information from Mission Partners, garrison directorates, family, health and wellness services, and more. 

Sign up for Alert emergency messaging

Soldiers and civilian employees are required to sign up for Alert for emergency notifications. Family members are strongly encouraged to sign up, as well, but they must be signed up through their sponsor's account. Alert provides mass warnings via email, text or phone. Click here for instructions on how to sign up for AtHoc


Visit to learn about Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation activities across post and in the greater Wiesbaden Area.

Provide feedback

USAG Wiesbaden directorates always want to hear about your experiences. The garrison is here to support Mission Partners, Soldiers and their Families, as well as Army Civilians, and Retirees. If you’ve received great service, send them kudos via the Interactive Customer Evaluation system. If your experience wasn’t so great, they want to know that, as well. Submit an ICE comment and be sure to include contact information for a response.