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The USAG Wiesbaden Religious Support Office will (1) provide exciting, dynamic, life changing, and God glorifying worship to meet the spiritual needs of the USAG Wiesbaden community, and, for the protection of and execution of constitutionally mandated Free Exercise of Religion for all people of all faith groups. Additionally, the RSO will (2) provide advisement to all levels of command for all matters pertaining to religion and morality. Finally, the RSO will (3) provide comprehensive religious education ensuring the USAG Wiesbaden military community has all the necessary means to grow in spiritual wellness.


A spiritually healthy and spiritually resilient USAG Wiesbaden community that worships faithfully, fellowships regularly, learns earnestly, and grows always!

The Chapel Communities of USAG Wiesbaden share the heritage spoken in the words of the Psalmist. Over miles, time, cultures, and widely differing backgrounds, we gather at the USAG Wiesbaden Chapels to worship, pray, and serve together as the people of our God.

"Let me abide in your tent forever, find refuge under the shelter of your wings. For you, O God, have heard my Vows; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name." Psalm 61:4-5

This website can help us build our community, strengthen our common activities, and contribute positively to the quality of life for Soldiers, Family members, authorized DOD civilians, and retirees. We support the values of the U.S. Army: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. God has entrusted to us the care of one another's needs, and to fulfill our responsibilities. We have a unique and precious opportunity at USAG Wiesbaden to make a profound difference.

In case of inclement weather -- How do I know whether church or religious services will operate as scheduled?

A: During Red or Black on-post road conditions, as determined by the IMCOM-Europe Road Conditions page, religious services will be canceled in the interest of safety.

Chapel Worship Service Schedule

Catholic Mass

  • Sundays at 0900 (Hainerberg Chapel)
  • Tuesday and Wednesdays at 1130 (Clay Chapel) / Confession available at 1100.
  • Thursdays at 1130 (Hainerberg Chapel) / Confession available at 1100

Our Catholic Community here in Wiesbaden is united to the Holy Catholic Church worldwide. We fall under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS).

Our mission… is the mission of the whole Church: to help bring people into a meaningful and profound relationship with God through the Sacraments, Religious Education, various Devotions, and Fellowship. We strive to make our Liturgies both lively and relevant to this Military Community.


My Father's House at Hainerberg Chapel

Sundays at 1100 (Hainerberg Chapel)

We are an active and lively Protestant congregation of mixed ranks and ethnicities. We worship by preaching the Bible from God’s Word about Jesus as our Savior and King. We praise God through upbeat music with our band and choir. And we seek to live our faith in Jesus in our community. We especially emphasize equipping and encouraged volunteers in their God-given gifts to serve Jesus.

Our Chaplains and volunteers seek ways to disciple other followers of Jesus to extend the teaching, passion, and living of the Gospel beyond the walls of the chapel. So we actively support Bible study groups, women’s auxiliaries, fellowship meals, practical service to the hurting, and more for God’s glory.


The Traditional Protestant Service at Clay Chapel

Sundays at 1100 (Clay Chapel)

We are a community founded on the 5 principles of the Protestant Reformation:

  • Sola Scriptura: Scripture alone directs our faith & obedience;
  • Solus Christus: Salvation comes only in Christ;
  • Sola Gratia: Salvation is by God’s grace alone;
  • Sola Fide: Salvation comes by faith alone;
  • Soli Deo Gloria: Everything is to be done for His glory alone.

Scriptural preaching and weekly Communion are our central acts of worship. Congregational prayer, singing, creedal confession, giving and fellowship complete our service.


Clay Gospel Service

Sundays at 1300 (Clay Chapel)

The gospel is a bold message, and we are not ashamed of proclaiming it. It is a powerful message, because it is God’s good news. It is a saving message, the only thing that can truly reform the human heart. The gospel is good the news because our salvation and eternal life and home in heaven are guaranteed through Jesus Christ!  Experiencing God through Worship and the Word!

First of the month communion and fellowship dinner 


Additional Religious Support

An Islamic Prayer Room is available in Clay chapel during the duty day.

Health or Force Protection may require virtual support or restrictions for larger gatherings of Religious Education and other ministries. Email POCs for updates.

Family Life Ministries

All services provided by the Family Life Chaplain (FLC) are:

  • 100% Confidential as the FLC cannot reveal private matters or conversations to anyone without your freely given permission.
  • 100% Safe as the FLC will never take sides or place blame.
  • 100% Spiritual as the FLC will never ignore the importance of Faith as a vital part of every step in the healing process.

Services offered:

  • Singles counseling
  • Premarital counseling
  • Marriage and Family counseling
  • Recovery from Infidelity in a Marriage
  • Parent-Child Relationships
  • General Coping Skills
  • Spiritual and Faith-based counseling

"Deep Change is not only mental, but spiritual as well. At the Family Life Center, we will care for your heart and soul, while honoring your own spiritual/faith-based needs as well."

Contact Us: (314) 548-5173, Family Life Center, Hainerberg Chapel, Building 7779