

Deliver the full spectrum of state of the art military personnel services support to the United States Army Training Center and Fort Jackson, Tenant Units, Families, Department of Defense Civilians, Contractors and Retired Soldiers of the Fort Jackson Community.  “Serving People is Our Business."

Soldier for Life - Retirement Services Office

The Army Retirement Services Office develops Army policy and oversees Army programs worldwide that prepare Soldiers and their Families for retirement, assist survivors of Soldiers who die on active duty, and serve Retired Soldiers, surviving spouses, and their Families until death in order to comply with federal laws, encourage Retired Soldiers to be Soldiers For Life, and improve recruiting and retention.


Casualty Assistance

As a Casualty Assistance Center (CAC), we coordinate Army casualty and mortuary operations and Military Funeral Honor for the state of South Carolina. Simply stated, our mission is to assist Army Families in an emotionally stressful time.


Personnel Automation Section

The Fort Jackson Personnel Automation Section (PAS) manages installation personnel, accounting, strength reporting and the IPPS-A database for data accuracy and accepted timelines within the Department of the Army standards. We act as a liaison between Human Resources Command (HRC) and installation units by addressing ongoing IPPS-A and human resources issues/concerns and provide possible solutions or feedback to the installation with technical and functional support.

The PAS offers services within the following areas: IPPS-A User Assistance, installation level IPPS-A operations, Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI), Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) and installation level support concerning the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS).


Trainee Student Processing

The mission of the Trainee/Student Processing Work Center (TSPWC) is to provide complete personnel services support to all Initial Military Training Soldiers in Basic Combat Training (BCT), Advanced Individual Training (AIT), and officers in a student status at the Soldier Support Institute, and Chaplain School. Support applies to Active Army, US Army Reserve, and Army National Guard Soldiers assigned or attached to Fort Jackson. 


In-Processing Reception Team

The In-Processing Reception Team can be reached at (803) 629-9536.



The Directorate of Human Resources, Fort Jackson, Identification card office continues to strive and provide excellent customer service. 


Reassignments Branch

The Reassignments Branch provides services in the following areas: Enlisted / Officer Reassignments, Promotions, Deletions and Deferments and Drill Sergeant (DS) Management. We act as liaison between Human Resources Command (HRC) and installation units by addressing ongoing IPPS-A and human resources issues/concerns, and providing feedback to the installation with technical and functional support.