The Fort Huachuca Reassignments Office provides assistance to all Fort Huachuca Soldiers who receive their assignment instructions (AI) to their follow-on duty station, as well as to Soldiers and Civilians who receive a TCS tasker.

Permanent Party Soldiers, upon receipt of their AI or RFO will receive a notification from the Reassignment Office to complete their Levy Brief and requirements online. Please read this notification carefully and read all instructions that are part of the Levy brief. If you have any other questions, call us at 520.533.3632 or email

Enlisted Students will receive their AI from their Drill Sergeant and will attend the in-person Levy Brief held at 7 a.m. every Friday at Eifler Gym. Student Officers will receive their RFO and coordinate their Levy attendance with their class S1. Your Drill Sergeant/Class S1 has the packet of Levy requirements that must be completed in advance of the Levy Brief. You will have the opportunity to ask questions of the briefers, as well as bring your spouse if they are local. All communications with the Reassignments Office are through your Drill Sergeant or Class S1. For more information, email